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BJ Bueno

Qualities That Identify a Leader

Measurement of Leadership

Leadership qualities go beyond simply having followers or giving orders. 

If you are a leader of a ten-person team and only two of them follow you, you are not leading.

Influence is a key marker of a leader.

How do you recognize a leader?

It’s not by their prominence.

A leader can be out in front, in the middle, or following behind.

You recognize a leader by the response of their followers. A leader is someone who influences others to follow a course of action when they have a choice:

  • A leader is a person who says to others, “follow me!” And, they do.
  • A leader is a person who suggests, “I think this is the way to go.” And people go there.
  • A leader is a person who takes action. And others join in.
  • A leader is a person who does something new and others begin to do it also.
  • A leader has genuine followerspeople who follow of their own volition.
  • If a leader shouts in the woods and no one hears them, are they a leader? No.

Your leadership impact depends on the ability to influence people, not your ability to command, coerce or manipulate.

Your leadership is measured not by what people do when you’re there, but by what they do when you’re not present—when no one is watching and they have the freedom to make personal choices.

So who do people follow after all?

  • Leaders they trust
  • Leaders who articulate a vision they believe in.
  • Leaders who seem to be competent and know what they are doing.
  • Leaders whose character they respect.

A person could have any title they want and not be a leader. But if you look closely, you can recognize who the real leaders are in your organization, community, and world.

Happy Leading!

The State of Cult Branding

We are thrilled to tackle an opportunity-packed topic that impacts every industry.

Because the topic of Cult Branding is so humanistic, we tried something new:

We built a Google Slides version of the insights so you can present it to your team along with a worksheet to jumpstart your next 30-minute brainstorm.

Click on through to see The 7 Rules of Cult Branding and gain actionable insights from Apple to Ikea to SouthWest Airlines. Discover how Cult Brands are already changing what your customers think is possible.

Remember, these insights are opportunities waiting to happen. Read, and then act!

Feel free to download the presentation and make it your own.

Where Are You Headed?

Quickly and with haste.

But what happens when you get there?

Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday. It gives us an opportunity to connect with the power of gratitude. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends considering each day what went well and why as an antidote to our chaotic world and as an opportunity to uplift our mood.

We are thankful for each of you, and so many other leaders who work towards making the world a better place.

Stay thankful.

How to Create Powerful Brand Rituals

“Before I can tell you the story, you have to try the shot.” – Fred Mossler Co-Founder Zappos.

You mean the one with the scorpion in it?

“Yeah and you should shoot it together, you definitely don’t want to eat the scorpion alone.” – Fred

“BJ, The Scorpion Shot is so popular, that we are now vertically integrating scorpions into our business model.” – Tony Hsieh Zappos CEO

We are celebrating Nacho Daddy’s 5 Year Anniversary in Las Vegas.

Fascinated by all things culture, I am naturally intrigued by the story and the sense of community that taking this shot provides.

Gulp! It’s gone, scorpion and all.

Soon after we are sitting in the middle of T-Mobile Arena where the biggest show in Vegas is about to go off, the Knights take the ice, and the crowd goes wild. Maybe it’s the tequila or the scorpion, but I am vibrating even though I have no clue about the game of hockey, but I understand people can feel the energy and it is electric.

Brand Rituals are All Around Us

Separating Oreo’s and dunking it in milk, or Breaking a KitKat into halves and eating it on a break, Popping the cap of the Pringles tube or if you want to get fancy The Stella Artois’ 9-step pouring ritual. These brand rituals play a crucial role in building a sense of belonging and community around the brands.

Rituals offer consumers the chance to interact with a brand. Because people want more than just consumption – they appreciate experiences.

Over the years I have observed different strategies that work towards creating powerful and emotional experiences. Here are a few questions to consider when building your plan:

Can you create and experience specific to your audience?

How can it be specific to your brand?

Ritualize Your Brand

Our job is to explore the elements of your brand that lend themselves to becoming ritualized. How might you make your product or service part of the daily lives of your customers? Is it even possible?

How might you use brand rituals to create a greater sense of “team” and “family” with your employees, and to fuel their passions for supporting the brand?

Creating a ritual around your brand, whether it’s focused internally or externally, is one of the most useful tools you have to engage people and it’s one of the critical components necessary for building a successful cult brand.


How Mindfulness Improves the Workplace

“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn

The truth is that many of us spend most of our time in the office. Think about how you can transform the lives of those around you by becoming more aware.

This shift toward more humanistic management practices doesn’t merely improve productivity, creativity, collaboration, loyalty, and profitability; it can also help the people around you become better spouses, better parents, and better citizens.

You can invite your employees to grow by finding ways to make the workplace more engaging (less static), more inspiring (less mundane), and more open (less fixed). As Abraham Maslow put it, “We must try to make a particular kind of people, of personality, of character, of soul one might say, rather than try to create directly particular kinds of behavior.”

When we practice mindfulness, we are training our brains to examine internal and external cues rather than react to them, so we can better manage emotions and develop into our full humanity.

We Need Time with Wonder

How often do you daydream or even allow yourself to get bored?

It turns out there’s a lot of value in letting our minds wander. Daniel Goleman calls this “open awareness” and says when our minds wander we’re free to constructively envision our future—essential for planning and goal setting, and we can reflect on our thoughts and actions—central in making new and creative associations between ideas.

Our brains aren’t designed to go nonstop. When we drop into neutral, ideas flow on their own, memories sort themselves out, and we give ourselves a chance to rejuvenate. If we eliminate this natural rhythm, we won’t be more productive. And we won’t get ahead. We’ll start falling behind.

What could happen to your creativity, energy, and attitude if you took the time to wonder?

Staying Relevant Requires Learning

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” Albert Einstein

Continuously learning is how you will stay relevant at any level of an organization. Consider stepping outside of your comfort zone, diversifying your areas of knowledge and establishing rituals and habits that support learning.

Lifelong learning has long been understood to be a critical success factor. But today, it’s taken on even greater importance. The pace of change continues to accelerate, and the level of complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty means that what you knew yesterday may be irrelevant today. The half-life of technical skills continues to shrink.

Try the following actions to enhance your growth mindset:

Cultivate Curiosity

Curiosity is a spirit, intention, and skill we can bring to our work, interactions with others and the world in general. It involves a genuine inquisitiveness, desire to understand, and willingness to step into a void with nothing more than questions and a receptive mind.

Stay Social

Traditional learning models rooted in the educational system rely heavily on individual research and study. A growth mindset, however, is based in large part on learning through and with others. Intentional connections offer a range of benefits, including the sharing of knowledge, insights, and experience. Consider the power of dialogue in your business to uncover new ideas.

Illuminate the NOW

While deliberate, scheduled efforts to learn are essential, it’s equally important to recognize that learning frequently doesn’t occur on a schedule. Life offers a range of moment-by-moment opportunities to gain experience, tap wisdom, push boundaries and try new approaches. A learning mindset means being open to and ready for these ad-hoc possibilities. It means mining the routine for richness.

Investing in learning today can help address current day-to-day pressures while building long-term, a sustainable capacity that will contribute to future effectiveness and satisfaction — at work and beyond.

Stress Can Stifle Creativity and Performance

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

William James, Philosopher, and Psychologist.

Stress in the workplace can have damaging effects, such as stifling creativity and risk aversion.

When we operate under pressure, we shift into survival mode and in this mode of perception, we can have a much harder time thinking creatively and seeing things with a broader, longer-term lens.

Similarly, when your associates are stressed, they tend to avoid taking risks and have a hard time thinking creatively, which ultimately affects their potential.
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Delivering Magic

Magic has long held a special place in the nation’s history. American magicians perform in arenas, theaters, and even backyards. No matter how big or small, a magic show will always inspire wonder.

Today as a member of the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, I am honored that the United States Postal Service delivered these Forever stamps.

This reminds me, let’s learn some magic for your brand…

Brands are a unique combination of a set of ideas and inanimate objects that serve as an ideal platform for relationships. When people feel bound to a group or community of shared beliefs around a brand where at least part of their identity is tied to the group, it’s a phenomenon known as participation mystique.

These brands spark magical participation with their customers; they embrace a particular way of being, aligned to a specific set of beliefs.

When brands attract customers to come together something magical happens, now let’s make that happen for you and your team.

Creating Magic: A mini workshop

To help you think more magical thoughts try these juxtapositions:

If my company was Zappos how would we WOW our customers?

If our company was Disney how would we give our customers a magical day?

If our brand was Houdini what problems can I help my customers escape?

By thinking like other great magical brands, you will discover magic of your own.

Cult Brands are Inclusive

In Alexander the Great’s conquest of Persia, the Macedonian King upset his military compatriots and childhood friends by marrying Roxana.

Roxana was the daughter of a minor Persian baron. That is, she was not from Macedonia; she was not of Greek blood.

This outraged Alexander’s men who felt that he was disrespecting his homeland. But Alexander didn’t identify himself exclusively as Macedonian or Greek. This great military strategist had a grand vision to create an empire that united the world as one people.

Alexander understood one of the Seven Rules of Cult Brands: Be open and inclusive.

The ideals of Vans shoes, for example, probably aren’t going to speak to you if you’re not in the skateboard community. IKEA isn’t going to draw your attention if you aren’t in the market for affordable furniture that gives your home a sense of style.

The annual, week-long, Burning Man event now attracts over 65,000 attendees to the Black Rock Desert each August. Anyone can participate. As written in their ten guiding principles, “Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.”

And the full range of attendees from artists to billionaires, to Silicon Valley CEOs, demonstrate that the not-for-profit is true to its word.

How To Be Inclusive

The more inclusive you are, the more customer groups you open your business to and the larger your market potential becomes.

To become a more inclusive brand requires diligence. Being inclusive means gaining insights into new customer groups and then collaborating with your teams to discover ways of relating these new customers to your business, and serving them with respect.

How inclusive is your business today?

How inclusive do you want your business to be tomorrow?