Hungry Like the Wolf: Winning the Battle of the Bands

What do you call a brand that has enjoyed long-term success, remaining profitable and vibrant for over 30 years, while the vast majority of their early competition struggles for relevancy?

In the music world, you’d call that brand Duran Duran. Get ready for your 80’s flashback! We’re going to talk about what it takes to create enduring customer loyalty.

What Happens Tomorrow: The Evolution of a Brand

In the 1980’s, Duran Duran was hitting every note perfectly. They were one of the most successful bands of the decade. Fans loved their New Romantic sound. The fact they were the prettiest boys in rock didn’t exactly hurt the situation.

Fashions change, and the fashions in music change faster than most. The collective soundtrack started getting a harder, edgier sound—the first whiffs of Grunge were riding on the wind—and the members of Duran Duran did a very smart thing. They recognized who their very best, most loyal fans were, and they made a substantial commitment to connecting very closely with those fans.

Dominant organizations win because they identify what it is their customers value most about interacting with their brand and then deliver exactly those things comprehensively and consistently.

For Duran Duran, it turned out that what the fans valued most is interaction with the band members and special access. The band provides these things: they recently put on a mystery show in NYC with free tickets for the most ardent fans, and they maintain an impressive social media presence, including a membership site where exclusive photos, videos, and music is posted. Band members share their birthday celebrations with the fans.  There are members-only contests to win autographed copies of music magazines.

Understanding the Peak Emotional Experience

It all has a very gushy, over-the-top Tiger Beat feel. That’s the point! Key to the band’s enduring popularity is understanding the peak emotional experience the fan is looking for.  It’s not enough to hear Hungry Like The Wolf one more time. Repetition of a product is not enough to sustain a relationship. Duran Duran’s fans want to feel the way they felt when they heard the song for the very first time, when the lyrics and beat delivered an intoxicating message designed only for their ears.

Social media has made it much easier for Duran Duran—and any other brand that wants to create sustainable customer loyalty—to connect with their customers. 860,000 Facebook fans are the first to hear news about the band. There are behind the scenes rehearsal pictures, live-blogged media appearances, and more. These efforts help the band’s best fans feel like they have a special status. They belong to the Duran Duran community. They’re heavily invested in the band—most fans have been to multiple concerts and purchase all available music—and the band is diligent and committed to maintaining that connection.

They know that if they keep providing their fans with the peak emotional experience, the fans will keep coming back. They know this because it’s worked for them for 30 years.  Is it great music? We don’t know, but it’s definitely good business!

Does Robin Hood Go To Starbucks? A Little Matter of Coffee Mugs

In Customers First, we talk about Starbucks and some of the ways that the brand appeared to be heading off track.  It’s only right and fair that we should raise our coffee mugs and salute Starbucks when they get it right.

Check out this NY Times article about Starbucks’ decision to source their coffee mugs domestically.  It’s the tale of how Starbucks, a company with 200,000 employees, started doing business with American Mug. Here’s the Cliff Notes version:

American Mug was a company that was headed toward closure.

American Mug was a company that was headed toward closure in a town full of businesses that were similarly in trouble—or already closed.

American Mug is a ceramics company. The ceramics industry has floundering badly domestically due to competition with China.

Starbucks chose American Mug as their supplier rather than go with a Chinese source even though the American-made mugs are more expensive.

Do you see what they did there?

Right in front of your very eyes, Starbucks has tapped into the power of a contemporary cultural story and leveraged it to strengthen their brand dominance and customer loyalty.

Let’s talk about that contemporary cultural story bit first. As people, we all experience problems—all kinds of problems, all of the time. We have big problems and little problems. We have problems that affect us very, very personally, and some that don’t seem to bother us at all. We identify with the problems of others—of our friends and neighbors, colleagues and countrymen.

All of these problems create a level of tension within us. Tension is no fun. It makes us uncomfortable. It makes us unhappy. We’re strongly motivated to relieve these tensions and we’re keenly aware of and generally resentful about situations where we feel ourselves powerless to effect any type of change that would relieve the tension we’re experiencing. It’s the drive to relieve tension that causes us to seek solutions to our problems.

Cultural stories are the narratives we’ve built up collectively to record and relay relevant information about the best way problems can be solved. Cultural stories contain the solutions to problems, acting as a guide that we can use when making decisions.

Robin Hood and Starbucks

In a time of great hardship and gross economic disparity, people embraced the tale of Robin Hood. He took from the rich, especially those deemed to have wealth unjustly, and gave to the deserving and virtuous poor. Cultural stories are extremely powerful forces in a society. It’s important to understand how these tales influence the listener. Does exposure to Robin Hood result in generations of children who grew up to be bandits? Or do we get, instead, generations of children committed to the idea that inequality must be challenged?

If we look at British society today, and we look at British society at the time when Robin Hood tales were first told, we see that while the situation is by no means perfect, things are a whole lot more equal than they used to be. The arrow may not have hit a utopian bullseye, but it’s on the target.

When we talk about contemporary cultural stories, we’re talking about the tensions and pressures our customers are experiencing right now.

Starbucks’ best customers are feeling a sense of economic oppression right now. Even if they aren’t in a tough situation themselves, they know and easily identify with people who are. This creates an internal tension: anxiety and worry about one’s economic security is very unpleasant. We are strongly motivated to resolve our internal tensions, but who do you blame for an omnipresent sense of economic peril?

There are a lot of answers to that question, but “Unfair Competition From China” is a very, very popular one. Unfortunately, there’s not much one person, as an individual consumer, can do to impact the balance of global trade. This adds a sense of hopelessness and frustration to the internal tension.

And here comes Starbucks to save the day. Like Robin Hood, they snatch up the gem—the lucrative mug contract—from the Chinese, perceived to be unjustly rich in terms of manufacturing contracts, and award it to the struggling American industry. They’re the hero in this coffee talk.

For the typical Starbucks customer, the mug sourcing change will not affect their lives in any concrete way whatsoever. But by frequenting Starbucks, and allying themselves with the brand, these customers now have their chance to stand up and join with Robin Hood. They’re supporting the company that’s fighting back against China—and they can do it without making any change in a routine they already enjoy. They become heroic by association.

It’s a smart strategy.  To be a hero is a noble thing, an appealing prospect. When we act heroically, we feel better about ourselves. We like who we are. Starbucks has created a way for their customers to tap into that powerful emotional experience vicariously. We think it’s a good move, in the right direction.  What do you think?

Some of Our Best Friends Are Zombies: The Value of Brand Modeling When Facing a PR Disaster

It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye!

It was almost a year ago when we wrote this post, highlighting an innovative, effective emergency preparedness educational campaign from the Center for Disease Control.

In an effort to get people to stock up on bottled water, first aid supplies, and other hurricane-season necessities, the CDC urged people to prepare for the most outlandish of possibilities: a zombie apocalypse.

The campaign was very obviously tongue in cheek. But then this happened, and this happened, and this happened. (Warning: don’t read if you’ve got a squeamish stomach!)

Suddenly, the prospect of a zombie apocalypse doesn’t seem so laughable anymore. People are starting to get freaked out. CDC spokesman David Daigle made it clear to the Huffington Post that the “CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead,” a story that has been picked up by countless media outlets as an official denial of zombies.

The CDC did what it had to do in this situation: answer questions promptly and as completely as possible with scientifically accurate, verifiable information. By providing this information and calming fear, the CDC was fulfilling the community  need for an authoritative voice on public health concerns—even the most ludicrous!

This is in alignment with their Brand Vision, and is, as such, a good decision. Barring the appearance of an actual zombie-causing virus, they’re off the hook from a PR perspective. Almost everyone believes that zombies aren’t real, and it appears that excessive drug use was far more to blame for these gruesome incidents than any potential pathogen.

But sometimes the things that go bump in the night are real. Every organization lives with the possibility of some unforeseen event causing the media to call with all sorts of complicated questions.  What’s the best way to handle these situations? Brand Modeling provides the answers.

Brand Modeling: For Bad Days and Blunders

Some day, somebody who works for your organization is going to screw things up. They’ll say the wrong thing, to the wrong person, at exactly the wrong time. You’ll be let down by your merchandise, or get caught up in a political firestorm, or make a change you think is amazing but that your customer base hates with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. (Reed Hastings, are you even listening?) Bad things happen.

It’s how organizations react to those bad things that separates the dominant organizations from every other company out there. Being on top doesn’t mean your brand never makes mistakes. Ask Apple about that. They’ve had amazing successes—and they’ve had CEO Steve Jobs on stage explaining “We’re not perfect” just days after the eagerly anticipated iPhone 4 failed to amaze.

Instead, dominant organizations thrive because they address even the largest PR disasters in a fashion that fulfills their customers expectations of how the brand should act in an awkward situation. These nuanced expectations are revealed throughout the process of Brand Modeling, which couples in-depth understanding of the unconscious cultural and psychological forces driving consumer behavior with objective analytical tools. When the model is complete, it becomes possible to predict, with a high degree of certainty, how your best customers will respond to anything you do—from opening a new location through handling the bad days and blunders that every company experiences.

There’s a significant competitive advantage to be found in the ability to predict customer behavior. When you know ahead of time what type of response your best customers will appreciate the most, you know what approach to take when responding to your PR crisis. This allows you to continually build customer loyalty and strengthen the bonds the public has with your brand.  It really works.  As our zombie-loving friends at the CDC would say, “That’s what happens when you use your braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnns!”

GM’s Shifting Social Media Strategy: Is Dropping Facebook Ads a Smart Move?

The news that GM has decided to stop using paid Facebook advertising has created a big buzz. If the nation’s third largest advertiser isn’t getting enough bang for their buck from Facebook ads, the conversation goes, what does that mean for the rest of us?

GM reportedly spends approximately $40 million on Facebook. 75% of that investment is devoted to monitoring and maintaining GM’s Facebook presence, through the organization’s Facebook page. The remaining 25%, $10 million dollars, was going toward paid advertising.

Coming days before Facebook’s IPO, this announcement has left many people wondering if the social networking site’s financial model has a fatal flaw. Revenue projections based on increasing revenue from advertising may not bear fruit if dominant organizations—or those organizations that look to dominant organizations as a guide to their own marketing strategies—decide that the advertising on Facebook just isn’t worth it.

Should other organizations follow GM’s lead? Should Facebook advertising be abandoned? Should organizations focus exclusive on direct engagement with users on the organization’s Facebook page? Do those efforts even pay off, or will we see GM eventually pulling back from their $30 million dollar commitment?

Customers First: Brand Modeling to Make Smart Social Media Choices

If you read Customers First (or even one of our earlier books, like The Power of Cult Branding) you’ll see that successful companies gain their dominant market position by focusing intensely and exclusively on understanding their best customers. Developing a comprehensive, holistic view of who a brand’s customers are, with a special focus on the unconscious psychological factors that motivate their decision making, makes it possible to predict, with a high degree of certainty,  a patterns of customer preferences.

Knowing these preferences makes it easier for marketers to create marketing that will really resonate with their customers. It also helps them identify the best mix of marketing vehicles for their brand.  We call the process of identifying those preferences and deriving actionable information Brand Modeling. Put the right message in the right place is the first rule of marketing.

Customers aren’t shy.  They’ll happily tell you what they think about almost anything you ask, especially if you have established a relationship where your customers feel actively engaged with your brand. That’s why we think GM is making a really smart decision with their commitment to a content-heavy, high-touch approach to Facebook engagement.

To fully realize the potential of social media, it’s essential to focus on listening as much as—even more than—you talk. One of the best ways to develop a deeper understanding of your customer base is to listen to what people say when they tell you about themselves.  To do this in the most efficient manner, it helps to be equipped with the analytical tools necessary to derive meaning from conversation.

GM used their Facebook page to survey their fans directly about their Facebook usage and preferences. The data revealed from that conversation surely played a critical role in the decision to pull the plug on Facebook advertising.

Today, it’s the company that listens closely to its best customers’ wants and needs that wins. For GM, that means dropping Facebook advertising. For another organization, it may mean a more enthusiastic embrace of Facebook advertising. Your Brand Model will help you make the right choices for your organization. That’s the power of putting Customers First.

Safety in Social Media: An Impossible Dream?

Don Quixote in a Starry Night by mize2oo5 Creative CommonsSocial media is a powerful tool you can leverage to build your brand, but it can also leave you vulnerable to the the cruel contempt of the masses who think nothing of trashing your brand equity one “Like” at a time. That’s the thrust of this article in AdWeek, which details any number of social media “fails.” One misstep by a marketer—a poorly posed model, or too much enthusiasm for milkshakes—and suddenly, there’s a tornado in the Twitterverse.

No one, we’re to understand, is safe.  Henry Copeland of Blogads was quoted as saying, “The hundreds of thousands, or millions, of people out there are going to take your idea, and they’re going to try to shred it or tear it apart and find what’s weak or stupid in it.”

Obviously, this is bad news. Nobody wants the backlash. The situation gets worse when there’s no positive traction as a result of the campaign. An offensive marketing message is bad; an offensive marketing message that doesn’t resonate with your existing and likely potential customer base is worse.

Social media is starting to sound pretty precarious.

Are we faced with a Quixotic quest? Is communicating with our customers in an effective, compelling fashion while simultaneously avoiding starting Facebook firestorms even possible?

These are good questions. Answering them becomes easier when we have access to superior customer knowledge and the objective, analytic tools provided by Brand Modeling.

Social Media: The Challenge of Uncertainty

The biggest problem marketers are facing today is the biggest problem they’ve been facing for a long time. Well before Jack Dorsey sent his first tweet, business owners and entrepreneurs have been longing for a way to predict customer response to marketing messaging—preferably before the campaign is even launched.

Without the ability to predict customer response, we are in an undesirable state of uncertainty.

If we knew that a given campaign would be hugely, overwhelmingly popular and effective with our target audience, would that outweigh the impact of any potential controversy? That’s a legitimate decision, and one that leading brands have often made. What if the same campaign would only be moderately popular? What if the same campaign seemed to elicit no positive response at all? Dodging the controversy becomes much more appealing if there’s no identifiable benefit to be gained.

Without the ability to predict customer response, we can’t make intelligent, strategic decisions to secure and enhance our organization’s standing. It’s impossible. You can guess, of course, and lots and lots of companies are—but as the AdWeek article points out, there’s a better than good chance you’ll guess wrong at least once.

In Customers First: Dominate Your Market by Winning Them Over Where It Counts the Most we discuss the process of Brand Modeling, and how combining insights about the unconscious psychological drivers that motivate customer behavior with targeted statistical analysis makes it possible to predict, with a high degree of certainty, how customers will respond to your efforts to connect with them.

Yes, social media has been a game changer. It’s translated the cultural environment we were used to into a fast paced, dynamic and sometimes dangerous space. There’s no guarantee of safety here, but by making smart, strategic choices it is possible for your organization to consistently make the right choices, reaping benefits that far outweigh even the hottest Facebook firestorm.

We think Don Quixote would approve this message.

Leveling Up: Why The UBS/Guggenheim Collaboration Makes Good Sense

Pyramid of Menkaure

The contemporary art world is buzzing about a newly announced collaboration between UBS Wealth Management and the Guggenheim Museum. It’s easy to see what the excitement is about, especially from a creative perspective.  The five year initiative is going to chart creative activity and contemporary art from all around the world.

Many of the stories you’ll see about this collaboration will focus, with good cause, on the fact that the project is a substantial investment in moving the current conversation about contemporary art from a very Western point of view to a more global perspective.

The Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative will identify and support a network of art, artists, and curators from South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and North Africa as part of a comprehensive program involving curatorial residencies, acquisitions for the Guggenheim’s collection, international touring exhibitions, and far-reaching educational activities.  It’s a huge project, with the potential to change everything we think we know about contemporary art and creative vision.

What we haven’t seen yet is an in-depth examination of why this collaboration is a good move for UBS Wealth Management. There’s no confirmed numbers available yet, but art experts have suggested that this type of project will easily set UBS back more than $40 million.

Why is UBS choosing to spend this much money, in this fashion?  This New York Times story hints at some of their thinking.  Jürg Zeltner, the chief executive of UBS Wealth Management, is quoted as saying, “As art is becoming more and more of an asset class, UBS is looking to increase our profile in these kinds of special fields of interest. More and more we are refocusing our strategy to reach emerging markets, and this project seemed like a perfect fit.”

That explanation comes from a place of logic and rationality, and does a great deal to explain why the collaboration will likely benefit UBS greatly.  It’s interesting to move the conversation to another dimension, and examine the unconscious psychological factors that will make this initiative appealing to UBS’s customers.

Customers First: What Motivates Your Customers?

Let’s take a moment to talk about Maslow. (Yes, that pyramid picture was a hint! Thanks for playing along.)

As you remember, Maslow’s research focused on identifying and prioritizing the compelling, if often unarticulated, needs that guide human behavior.  At the bottom of the pyramid, we find all the familiar needs—food, shelter, water, sex.  We certainly spend a lot of time here talking about the need to belong to a group and the esteem needs—it is essential that we find ourselves held in regard by those we respect, if we’re going to be contented human beings. For most businesses, identifying and meeting needs on this level can be an absolute game changer.  This is where dominant organizations begin to separate themselves from the rest of the pack.

But there’s another level on the pyramid. At the apex, the point of self-actualization, we find the needs for creativity, expression, morality, and freedom from prejudice, with an emphasis on agape, philanthropy, and pursuing meaningful goals. For some, this might even include exploring personal interests, like those on, where users seek both excitement and fulfillment in a highly engaging environment. While these needs are universal to some extent, not everyone prioritizes self-actualization or consciously focuses on reaching this level in their lives.

However, UBS’s clientele is uniquely positioned to ensure that they have their self-actualization needs met.  Absent any other differentiating factors, an audience that is relatively free from the constraints of material wants will choose the wealth management service that provides the extra value of meeting these higher-order self-actualization needs. The collaboration with the Guggenheim allows UBS’s clients to participate in a creative endeavor on a global scale.

Will participating in this project gain UBS new clients? We’re not sure. But we can say with absolute confidence that it will strengthen the bond UBS has with their existing base, especially those who are most in touch with and aware of their ability to effect meaningful change in the world.  It’s a pretty picture for all involved.  That’s why the UBS/Guggenheim collaboration makes good sense.

The French Frontier: The Power of Predictability For Global Brands

PhotobucketStarbucks, it turns out, is not synonymous with seamless, stress-free success. Embracing a global strategy is an integral part of the coffee retailer’s much-talked about turnaround strategy, but after ten years of effort, things still aren’t great in Europe.  Particularly not in France, according to this New York Times story.

Starbucks has embarked on a multimillion dollar campaign to win over the European marketplace. Their efforts are pretty straightforward, and from our perspective, logical: everything from the the coffee recipe to the physical plant is being examined and altered to bring it more in alignment with the tastes and preferences of the local customer.

The changes may help—the strategy, after all, bears a close resemblance to what works for other American chain eateries that have gone global. But it raises one unavoidable question: How would things look different for Starbucks if they had done the groundwork to enter the European marketplace more effectively ahead of time? We’re not privy, of course, to the inner workings of their leadership team, but it seems a fair guess that not having to spend millions of dollars is always better for your financial position than being forced to spend millions in order to remain even vaguely competitive.

In other words, there’s power in predictability.  One of the key concepts of Brand Modeling is that developing a deep, comprehensive, humanistic understanding of your company’s best customers allows you to predict, with a high degree of certainty, how those customers will respond to your offerings. This allows you to be selective and efficient in your organizational decision making process.

For example, had Starbucks spent the time and energy to fully understand their best customers in France, they likely would have discovered their expectation—framed by the cultural mythos that permeates French life—that one does not walk down the sidewalk with a paper coffee cup in hand. Coffee is meant to be enjoyed in the cafe, at a leisurely pace. Armed with that knowledge, it would have been easier to see that the French Starbucks should include adequate seating space and avoid investing resources in takeaway coffee.

In Britain, incidentally, the situation is reversed. There, takeaway coffee enjoys popularity favorably comparable to the American experience. You can see where this is valuable information to have prior to breaking ground and building shops.

Starbucks isn’t alone in this situation. Going global has stymied some brands, and even digitally oriented ventures like crypto casinos have found themselves struggling to adapt to diverse consumer tastes and regulations across continents. Burger King was a flop in Europe, whereas McDonald’s, who came very early to the wisdom of listening to local markets comprehensively and in detail, thrives.

It all comes down to customer knowledge. We are all competing in the environment full of empowered consumers. They know they have choices. The French consumer is not suffering from a lack of cafes to visit if Starbucks fails to please them. Dominant organizations are, and continue to be, those brands that are truly willing to step up and put their customers first.

Nestle: Trust Building Is Essential To Our Success

Nestlé corporate logoAlmost two years ago, Jose Lopez, executive VP of Operations for Nestle, was explaining to the Business Standard why the global foods, health, and nutrition brand, which claims to have a billion customers a day, is so successful. A particular focus of the interview was how Nestle decided to enter a marketplace, as well as their decision to source raw materials and labor in local markets.

What is revealed is that Nestle places a high value on knowing their customers, on a number of levels.  They’ve identified the universal concerns that cause their best customers to choose Nestle brand products rather than any other—product safety and high nutritional value tops the lists—and the local, market-specific criteria that helps Nestle bond with customers on an individual basis.

“Our factories here (in India) use Indian raw materials produced by Indian farmers to make products that are made to Indian tastes and are sold in the country. That is the way we operate.”

Nestle has been successful with this approach. The growth continues, according to this recent Wall Street Journal article, Nestle Projects Growth from Emerging Markets.

Customers First: How Nestle Reached the Top


Lopez is very forthcoming about the reason for Nestle’s growth. “The first thing that comes to mind is clearly the trust that we have been able to build in our consumers. Second, is our passion for quality, and third, simple and clear business processes.”

Building that level of personal, profitable trust with customers is directly dependent on superior levels of customer knowledge.  Before you trust someone, you have to know them, and before that trust can be returning in any meaningful way, they have to know you. Transparent business practices are essential (and if Nestle has had stumbling blocks along the way, it has always been in those areas where they are perceived to be less than transparent in their marketing practices, particularly in the area of infant formula).

In Customers First:Dominate Your Market By Winning Them Over Where It Counts the Most, we examine some of the powerful unconscious psychological forces that motivate customer behavior.  There’s a universal need that we all share: we have a profound need to believe that we belong to a group, that we are valued and cared for as a member of society. We want to know—no, scratch that; it’s that we need to know—that we’re cared about.

This is a message that must reach the customer’s ears, heart, and mind. It’s always good to have the leadership spelling it out. In the Business Standard interview, Lopez said, “We want to provide the consumer a good diet. In addition to formulating such products, we want to teach them what’s good for them. Every Nestle product has a nutritional panel or compass on the pack which helps in understanding its nutritional value. The nutritional aspect of the products is what pleases the consumer, but it is also our responsibility to explain to him why it is good for him. The last thing we want is our consumers becoming victims of lifestyle-related diseases.” (emphasis ours)

Nestle’s making use of every touch point to convey their care and concern for customer health. Couple this with the substantial commitment the brand has made to understanding their customers wants and needs, and it becomes easy to see why the Nestle brand is one of the most successful in the world.  That’s what happens when you put Customers First!

Check Out the New Book: Customers First: Dominate Your Market By Winning Them Over Where It Counts The Most


Customers are skeptical. They’ve been lied to by just about everyone who’s had the opportunity to do so. From role models who can’t keep extramarital affairs from wrecking their golf game to behemoth corporations betting against their own customers’ investments to politicians regularly resigning for engaging in the very activities they legislated against, no one has been telling the truth. You need an element of trust to get genuine customer buy-in, but we’ve spent a generation and a half teaching the
public to trust nobody.

This creates a problem for today’s business leaders. How do you connect with these empowered, educated, skeptical consumers?

This is a question of some urgency. Industry analysts highlight that platforms like gigadat casinos are revolutionizing how businesses engage with their customers by offering innovative betting options and enhanced user experiences. If you don’t have the answer, you have to figure it out now, and you have to keep your business thriving at the same time. There’s absolutely no time to hesitate. If you cannot connect with your customers in a meaningful way, you will become irrelevant to them. When you’re irrelevant, you’re replaceable, and your customers will inevitably replace you with a brand that they do feel connected to.

Irrelevancy arrives in those still moments when an organization is facing uncertainty. These are the times when the
company is trying to figure out what to do. Choosing the right course is difficult: if you opt for the wrong direction, you’ll saddle your company with the burden of invisibility when you’re least prepared to bear it.

Customers First: How To Choose The Right Course Consistently

Choosing the right course is difficult, but it’s not impossible. Dominant organizations—companies like Nike, Apple, Harley-Davidson, and Ikea—seem to consistently pick the right course. They seem to know what the customer wants, even before the customers know they want it. They enjoy unparalleled customer loyalty, and that’s not all.  Dominant organizations seem to make fewer mistakes than their competitors. They make better decisions and enjoy greater profitability.

As a business leader, don’t you want to know how that happens? Don’t you want to be able to do it too? It’s possible when you have the right tools. That’s where Brand Modeling comes in. We’ve been doing exciting work, helping leading companies delve into the unconscious psychological factors that drive customer behavior, pinpointing those places where brand and consumer can form strong, lasting, and profitable bonds.

When you’re equipped with a comprehensive, multi-dimensional understanding of your customer, you can consistently choose the right course for your company.

That’s the topic of the new book, which is now available for pre-order on Amazon. I have to say, we’re pretty excited about this book. We worked hard to create the most complete, accessible explanation of the combination of complex psychological factors that control consumer behavior and what they mean to good companies striving to become great companies. Brand Modeling can provide your company with an unbeatable competitive advantage. You might want to check it out!

Seven Golden Rules of Cult Branding

 Why do people love this brand? Why are they so loyal to it? What does this brand mean to them? Why? Why? Why!

An interesting thing starts happening after you’ve asked a lot of questions for a long enough period of time. Not only do you start getting some really good answers, but you begin to see patterns and similarities between the responses that you receive.

This was exactly what happened in the dozens of interviews conducted. Clear patterns emerged. Although each of the nine brands was clearly different, their individual formulas for Cult-Branding success shared many of the same core ingredients.

These seven points won’t tell you everything there is to know about Cult Branding, but they will give you a nice overview and practical framework to utilize in your own marketing endeavors. Think of this list as your indispensable “Cult Branding Cliff Notes.” Here they are. Read them. Use them!

#1 – The Rule of Social Groups
Consumers want to be part of a group that’s different.

#2 – The Rule of Courage
Cult-Brand inventors show daring and determination.

#3 – The Rule of Fun
Cult Brands sell lifestyles.

#4 – The Rule of Human Needs
Listen to the choir and create Cult-Brand evangelists.

#5 – The Rule of Contribution
Cult Brands always create customer communities.

#6 – The Rule of Openness
Cult Brands are inclusive.

#7 – The Rule of Freedom
Cult Brands promote personal freedom and draw power from their enemies.

Learn more about each of the The Seven Rules of Cult Brands.