14 steps to being “anti-boring”

The Big IDEA: Master people skills and harness the power of body language to start conversations with anyone, anywhere, anytime.


How can you make dazzling conversation with anyone you meet? There is both an art and science to effective communication.

1. Be Engaging

Everyone starts off conversations the same way. They say, “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Instead, ask someone, “What passion projects are you working on?” or “What gets you up in the morning?”

2. Start off Strong

Start off the conversation with a “how” or “why” question. People will give you more thoughtful answers and think about why you’re asking them. Say, for instance, “How did you meet the host?” That way you’ll learn about the person you’re talking to, as well as the host.

3. Adventures

Inquire about any trips or fun adventures coming up.

4. Foster Excitement

Ask people if anything exciting happened to them that day.

5. Stories

Tell a story. People love funny anecdotes. And, it makes your conversation more personal right off the bat.

6. Be the Highlight

Ask a person, “Have any highlights today?” Not only is this person going to feel good because he or she gets to talk about him or herself, but it also starts off the conversation on a positive note.

7. Smile

Be confident and smile. Make sure your smile extends to your eyes so that it looks authentic. People are attracted to positivity, not negativity.

8. Authenticity

Be authentic in your interactions and not sarcastic. People want to start conversations with you because you’re real and not facetious.

9. Your Feet

In a group discussion, point your feet towards the person you want to hone in on and talk to, it shows that you’re in tune with what that person has to say.

10. The Face

Watch your micro expressions in any social setting, even if you’re not talking to anyone. For example, if your eyebrows are raised, and your lips are stretched or drawn back, it shows that you’re afraid and not calm and collected. People want to talk to you if you’re composed and not scared.

11. Remember to Breathe

Take deep breaths and don’t go high up with your vocals. End all your questions with a period, not a question mark.

12. Be Passionate

Add excitement into your introductions. Raise your voice, for example, when talking about your company or your vision.

13. Give Your Undivided Attention

This old school method is more powerful than ever. The age of distraction is here. Cell phones beep and emails buzz for our attention. Put your technology in sleep mode while speaking to others.

14. Respect; Don’t Criticize, Judge, or Impose.

Speak to others with dignity and respect their points of view. Don’t invade other people’s personal space. Don’t criticize or judge. Everyone has his/her right to be him/herself, just as you have the right to be yourself.

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