Image and Perception

Image and perception go hand in hand. 

Without a great image, there’s no perception. 

And without perception, there’s no value. 

Often overlooked, getting the right image for your brand is a big deal. 

From website photos to the people you choose to represent your brand, visuals shape how people see you.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung knew the power of images in the mind. 

Brands should take note and choose their images carefully.

Why Image Matters

1. First Impressions Count:

   – Instant Impact: People notice your visuals first. A strong image sticks.

   – Trust Builder: High-quality images show you care about quality. They build trust.

2. Create an Emotional Connection:

   – Tell Your Story: Great images tell a story that connects with people emotionally.

   – Show Your Personality: Your visuals reflect your brand’s personality and values.

3. Consistency is Key:

   – Unified Look: Keep your images consistent across all platforms. It builds a strong brand identity.

   – Easy Recall: Consistent visuals help people remember your brand.

4. Boost Perceived Value:

   – Look Premium: High-quality images make your brand look top-notch.

   – Stand Out: Unique visuals set you apart from the competition.

5. Brain Power:

   – Quick Processing: The brain processes images faster than text. Your message gets across quickly.

   – Better Memory: People remember visual information longer. Use striking images to make a lasting impression.

Over my 25 years in branding, I’ve created thousands of images and commercials for the public. 

One of my proudest achievements was overseeing the design and subjects of 1,000 stamps for the United States Postal Service, where I served for 12 years. 

Whether you’re Nike or designing stamps, images must be chosen with perception in mind. 

The right image can make all the difference.

It drives perception, and perception drives value.

Igniting Innovation in Your Company


It’s not just a fleeting interest but a driving force that can propel your team to explore, innovate, and reshape industries. 

Inspired by recent insights from Adweek’s exploration of innovative marketers, let’s delve into how you can cultivate this essential quality within your company.

The Power of Curiosity

Curiosity is more than just a trait; it’s a mindset that fuels innovation. It prompts marketers to ask the right questions, challenge assumptions, and seek new perspectives. As highlighted by Adweek’s “10 Marketers Who are Building a Culture of Curiosity,” these individuals embody the spirit of innovation by embracing curiosity as a superpower. By nurturing this trait, they stay ahead of industry trends and pioneer new pathways that redefine success.

Cultivating a Curious Culture

Building a culture of curiosity begins with leadership. Encouraging your team to ask “why” and “what if” opens doors to new ideas and solutions. It’s about creating an environment where curiosity is celebrated, mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities and diverse viewpoints are welcomed.

Key Strategies to Foster Curiosity:
  1. Lead by Example: Demonstrate curiosity in your leadership style. Share stories of how asking questions and exploring new ideas have led to breakthroughs.
  2. Encourage Exploration: Provide time and resources for employees to pursue their interests and explore new concepts relevant to their roles.
  3. Celebrate Learning: Recognize and reward curiosity-driven initiatives that lead to innovation, even if they don’t always result in immediate success.
  4. Promote Diversity of Thought: Encourage cross-functional collaboration and invite diverse perspectives to challenge conventional thinking.

The Impact on Brand Innovation

Innovation fueled by curiosity isn’t just about product development or marketing campaigns—it’s about creating meaningful connections with customers. By understanding their needs and motivations more deeply, companies can craft authentic brand experiences that resonate.

Taking the First Step

Whether leading a startup or a seasoned corporation, integrating curiosity into your company’s DNA can pave the way for enduring success. As you reflect on the achievements of the SurveyMonkey Curiosity Award winners, consider how you can harness curiosity to drive your marketing strategies forward.

At The Cult Branding Company, we’re passionate about helping businesses cultivate curiosity as a foundational element of their brand strategy. 

Join us in embracing curiosity and unlocking new possibilities for innovation and growth.

Why Do We Hate Meetings?

Dear Leaders,

Have you ever felt that attending a meeting is like being stuck in an endless episode of a reality TV show you did not sign up for? 

You are not alone! 

Meetings have become the office equivalent of eating your vegetables – we know they are good for us, but we often dread them anyway. 

Let us examine why meetings sometimes feel necessary and how we can make them less evil.

1. Lack of Clear Purpose  

Have you ever sat through a meeting and wondered, “Why are we here?” A meeting with a clear goal can feel like a good use of time but can leave us more confused than when we started.

2. Poor Time Management  

Meetings that start late, run over, or meander off-topic can be as frustrating as a cliffhanger with no resolution. We value our time and prefer it to be used efficiently.

3. Too Frequent or Unnecessary  

Meeting fatigue is real, folks. Too many meetings can feel like a never-ending loop of “Groundhog Day,” where the same topics are discussed repeatedly.

4. Lack of Engagement  

Meetings in which only a few voices dominate can make others feel like background actors in a drama. Everyone’s input is valuable; we must ensure all voices are heard.

5. Ineffective Leadership  

A meeting led by someone unprepared or disorganized can feel like a ship without a captain. Effective leadership is critical to keeping meetings on track and productive.

6. Repetitive Information  

If a meeting covers information that could be shared via email or another communication tool, it can feel redundant, like a movie sequel that should never have been made.

7. Disruption of WorkFlow  

Meetings interrupting focused work time can break our concentration, making it harder to return to the groove afterward.

8. Poor Follow-Up  

Meetings without clear action items can feel pointless, like a cliffhanger with no sequel. We need to ensure that meetings lead to tangible outcomes.

What Can We Do?

– Clearly define the purpose and agenda for each meeting.

– Schedule meetings only when necessary and consider alternative communication methods.

– Start and end meetings on time.

– Encourage active participation and ensure everyone has a chance to contribute.

– Provide training for effective meeting facilitation.

– Follow up with clear action items and responsibilities.

We can transform our meetings from dreaded obligations into productive, engaging sessions by addressing these common issues. 

BJ Bueno

The Promise of Brand

In today’s competitive market, brand loyalty isn’t just a luxury—it’s a promise that fuels sustainable growth. CEOs, it’s time to harness this power and turn your customers into passionate advocates. 

Here’s how:

Creating emotional connections is essential. Apple’s loyal fanbase isn’t just about technology; it’s about a lifestyle. When customers feel emotionally invested, they stick around and spread the word.

Another critical element in transitioning from emotional connections is outstanding customer service. Exceptional customer service builds trust and loyalty. Amazon’s customer-centric approach, hassle-free returns, and round-the-clock support transform first-time buyers into lifelong customers. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you forge lasting relationships.

Moreover, regular engagement keeps your brand alive in customers’ minds. Wendy’s witty social media presence exemplifies how interaction fosters a loyal community. You strengthen their connection to your brand by consistently engaging with your audience.

Personalization is key to making customers feel special. Netflix’s personalized content recommendations enhance user experience, creating a deeper bond with the brand. Tailoring experiences to individual preferences reinforces loyalty.

Delivering consistent value is also fundamental. Starbucks’ reliable quality and experience at every location build trust. Customers return because they know they can count on your brand to meet their needs.

Reward programs incentivize repeat business. Sephora’s Beauty Insider program offers exclusive perks, encouraging ongoing engagement. Such programs show appreciation and provide tangible reasons for customers to stay loyal.

Brand loyalty is more than retention—transforming customers into advocates who drive growth. 

By fostering emotional connections, providing exceptional service, engaging consistently, personalizing experiences, delivering consistent value, and implementing effective reward programs, you can fulfill this promise and see your brand thrive.

Invest in your brand’s promise, and watch your loyal customers become your greatest advocates.

BJ Bueno

Meet Me At The Brand

Hey Brand Builders,

Have you ever wondered how to make your brand come to life in a way your audience can step into? 

Netflix has nailed it with Stranger Things. 

The magic isn’t just on-screen—it’s now in real-life experiences and retail locations where fans can dive into the Upside Down in person.

Stranger Things: Beyond the Screen

Netflix has taken Stranger Things to a whole new level. From themed pop-up stores to immersive experiences, they’ve created a world where fans can live out their favorite moments. Imagine walking through Hawkins, grabbing a bite at Scoops Ahoy, or snagging exclusive Hellfire Club merch. These experiences deepen the connection with fans and make the Stranger Things universe tangible.

Netflix House: The Ultimate Brand Experience

Get excited for Netflix House, set to open in Dallas and King of Prussia in 2025. These permanent venues will be like theme parks for Netflix fans. At Netflix House, you can enjoy regularly updated immersive experiences, food inspired by Netflix shows, and a treasure trove of themed merchandise. Imagine navigating a real-life version of Squid Game’s Glass Bridge challenge or dancing through a Bridgerton ball. Netflix House is designed to bring beloved stories to life in new, ever-changing, and exciting ways year-round.

Retail and Merchandise Magic

Netflix knows the power of merch in extending the brand experience. Their retail locations offer exclusive, high-quality items that fans can’t resist. From Stranger Things T-shirts to Bridgerton tea sets, these products allow fans to bring a piece of their favorite shows home. This strategy boosts revenue and keeps the brand top-of-mind whenever fans wear or use these items.

What can we learn from Netflix? 

It’s all about creating immersive, multi-sensory experiences that allow your audience to engage with your brand more deeply. By stepping into the world of Stranger Things or visiting Netflix House, fans aren’t just watching—they’re living the brand. And that’s a game-changer.

Next time you’re brainstorming how to make your brand resonate more with your audience, think about how you can create a space where they can truly meet the brand. Whether through pop-up experiences, themed retail stores, or exclusive merchandise, bringing your brand to life can forge unforgettable connections and loyalty.

Until next time, keep innovating and dreaming big.

BJ Bueno

The Curious Secrets Of Succesful Brands

Ever wonder why some brands are so irresistibly successful? 

Let’s explore the fun and curious world of some of the most valuable brands in 2024 to uncover their secret sauce.

Apple: The Trendsetting Tech Whiz

Apple is the cool kid in the tech playground, and for good reason! As the world’s first trillion-dollar brand, Apple’s magic lies in its relentless drive for innovation. Remember when the iPhone first came out? It was mind-blowing! Apple keeps that vibe alive by focusing on sleek designs, a seamless user experience, and a product ecosystem that just works. Apple fans know they’re getting something special: the latest MacBook or AirPods.

Google: The Digital Dynamo

Google is like the ultimate digital wizard. With a brand value of $753.5 billion, it’s not just about search engines anymore. Google has its hands in everything from cloud computing to AI and self-driving cars. It’s all about making information accessible and useful. Plus, who doesn’t love a good Google Doodle? Google’s secret? Constantly reinventing itself and staying ahead of the tech curve.

Microsoft: The Comeback Kid

Microsoft has seriously leveled up! Once just the go-to for Windows, it’s now a cloud computing powerhouse with a brand value of $712.9 billion. Thanks to CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft has embraced a culture of innovation and inclusivity. From Azure to Xbox, Microsoft is about creating tech that empowers people. And let’s be honest: who doesn’t appreciate a good Halo game?

Amazon: The Ultimate Shopaholic’s Paradise

Amazon, valued at $576.6 billion, is every online shopper’s dream. Starting as a humble online bookstore, it has become the king of e-commerce. Amazon Prime, Alexa, and lightning-fast delivery are just a few perks. The secret? Obsessing over customer experience and always pushing the envelope with new tech like drones and AI.

NVIDIA: The AI Rockstar

NVIDIA is the cool underdog story. Known for its powerful GPUs, it’s now a big player in AI, leaping 18 places to sixth with a brand value increase of 178% to $201.8 billion. Their tech powers everything from gaming to deep learning and autonomous cars. It’s like NVIDIA found a cheat code to succeed in AI.

McDonald’s: The Fast Food Innovator

Who knew a burger joint could be so tech-savvy? McDonald’s, valued at $221.9 billion, has embraced AI to enhance your fast-food experience. Think dynamic menu boards and efficient drive-thrus. Plus, their ability to adapt to local tastes keeps everyone loving it. The Golden Arches are shining bright with innovation and customer-centric strategies.

So, what’s the secret to brand success? 

It’s all about staying curious, constantly innovating, and putting customers first. 

Whether it’s Apple’s sleek designs, Google’s digital prowess, Microsoft’s tech empowerment, Amazon’s customer obsession, NVIDIA’s AI leap, or McDonald’s fast-food innovation, these brands show that with the right mix of creativity and strategy, the sky’s the limit.

Next time you marvel at your iPhone, search for something on Google, boot up your Xbox, shop on Amazon, power up a game on an NVIDIA card, or grab a McDonald’s meal, you’ll know the curious secrets behind these powerhouse brands. 

Keep an eye on these trailblazers—they’re not just shaping the market. 

They’re shaping the future.

Saying “Thank You” Can Make a Big Difference

We have all been taught that saying “thank you” is just good manners, but recent research in social psychology reveals that these two simple words have a much more profound impact. 

Expressing gratitude goes beyond politeness—it plays a crucial role in building and maintaining social relationships.

This idea is rooted in the find-remind-and-bind theory of gratitude, developed by psychologist Sara Algoe from the University of North Carolina. According to this theory, gratitude serves several essential functions:

  • Find Function: It helps initiate new social connections.
  • Remind Function: It draws our attention to the value of our existing relationships.
  • Bind Function: It encourages us to maintain and invest in these relationships.

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can be both felt and expressed. Studies show that feeling and showing gratitude can lead to positive outcomes, such as increased helping behavior, greater trust, and reduced aggression. These benefits extend to both parties, making gratitude a key element in fostering healthy, supportive social bonds.

In essence, saying “thank you” is not just about being courteous—it is a vital practice for enhancing our social interactions and overall well-being. 

So, the next time you express gratitude, remember that you are doing more than just following social norms; you are actively strengthening your connections with others.

Thank you for reading this post today. 

I hope you have a great day ahead.



Be Personal, Work Hard

In the business world, where strategies and market forces often take center stage, the essence of personal touch and sheer hard work can sometimes be overlooked. 

However, there are exemplary leaders whose journeys illuminate the power of being deeply personal and exceptionally hardworking. 

These qualities resonate profoundly with the principles of Cult Branding, which seeks to transform customers into passionate brand advocates. 

Here, we explore the inspiring stories of such leaders.

Howard Schultz (Starbucks)

Howard Schultz’s narrative is one of connection and commitment. Schultz is renowned for his approach, frequently visiting Starbucks locations, engaging directly with employees, and gaining insights from customer experiences. His hands-on leadership style reflects a profound understanding of the importance of a personal touch in building a global brand. Schultz’s dedication and hard work transformed Starbucks from a small regional chain into an international coffeehouse giant, emphasizing the significance of nurturing company culture and relentless effort.

Mary Barra (General Motors)

Mary Barra stands out for her approachable and transparent leadership. Barra’s journey from a co-op student at General Motors to becoming its CEO is a testament to her unwavering work ethic and personal connection with employees at all levels. Her leadership is marked by a focus on communication and engagement, driving innovation and excellence in the automotive industry through hard work and a personal touch.

Satya Nadella (Microsoft)

Under Satya Nadella’s leadership, Microsoft has experienced a renaissance. Known for his empathetic and growth-oriented leadership style, Nadella prioritizes employee well-being and development. His approach involves fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation within Microsoft. Coupled with his relentless hard work, this approach has revitalized the company, positioning it at the forefront of technological advancement.

Indra Nooyi (PepsiCo)

Indra Nooyi’s inclusive leadership style is characterized by her ability to connect personally with employees and stakeholders. Driven by her hard work and visionary leadership, Nooyi’s tenure at PepsiCo saw significant growth and strategic restructuring. Her commitment to sustainability, health, and engagement has left a lasting impact on the industry.

Richard Branson (Virgin Group)

Richard Branson’s charismatic and approachable demeanor makes him a relatable and personal leader. Branson’s hands-on involvement and frequent interactions with employees and customers foster a culture of fun and innovation at Virgin. His entrepreneurial spirit and relentless hard work have transformed Virgin from a small record shop into a diverse conglomerate, highlighting the power of a personal touch and dedication.

Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX)

Elon Musk’s leadership is marked by his intense work ethic and hands-on approach. Musk’s frequent interactions on social media and transparent communication style make him an engaging and personal leader. His involvement in the intricate details of engineering and development drives innovation at Tesla and SpaceX, pushing the boundaries of technology through sheer hard work and a personal connection with his vision and teams.

Arianna Huffington (Thrive Global)

Arianna Huffington emphasizes the importance of well-being and work-life balance, often sharing personal stories and insights to connect with her audience and employees. Her successful career in media, particularly the founding of The Huffington Post, showcases her dedication and hard work in building influential platforms. Her leadership at Thrive Global underscores the significance of a personal touch in promoting holistic success.

These leaders exemplify the powerful combination of personal engagement and hard work, significantly impacting their respective industries. 

Their stories align with the principles of Cult Branding, where fostering solid personal connections and relentless dedication are vital in creating passionate brand advocates.

Phrases Customers Hate

Here are a few brand loyalty killers:

🛑 “That’s our policy.”

🙅‍♂️ “There’s nothing I can do.”

⏳”You’ll have to wait.”

🤷‍♀️ “I don’t know.”

🚫 “It’s not my job.”

😠 “You’re wrong.”

🏢 “That’s not my department.”

🔄 “You’ll have to speak to someone else.”

💸 “You’ll have to pay extra for that.”

🙅‍♀️ “We don’t do that.”

📞 “Please hold for a moment.”

⏰ “You’ll need to come back later.”

🤔 “What do you want me to do about it?”

📚 “You should have known that.”

🛒 “Sorry, it’s out of stock.”

🌐 “Did you check our website?”

Try avoiding these phrases like the plague.

Instead, teach your people to focus on empathy.

Customer love will significantly improve customer interactions and satisfaction.

5 Steps for Inspiring Passion in Your Employees

Hey Team Leaders,

Are you ready to ignite a fire of passion within your team? 

Here are five fun and practical steps to inspire employees and create a workplace they love. 

Let us turn your office into a hub of excitement and enthusiasm.

1. Get to Know Your Team

Start by understanding what makes your team tick. Take the time to learn about their interests, strengths, and what motivates them. This could be through casual one-on-one chats, fun surveys, or team-building activities. Knowing your team members on a personal level helps you connect with them and shows that you genuinely care about their well-being.

2. Celebrate Successes Big and Small

Who does not love a good celebration? Recognize and celebrate both big wins and small achievements. Acknowledging hard work and accomplishments makes employees feel valued and appreciated, whether through a shout-out in a meeting, a fun reward system, or even a surprise treat. Plus, it adds a dose of fun to the daily grind!

3. Create Growth Opportunities

Passion thrives when there is room to grow. Provide opportunities for professional development and personal growth. This could be through training programs, mentorship, or allowing employees to take on new and exciting projects. Encouraging your team to learn and evolve continuously keeps the spark alive and fuels their passion.

4. Foster a Positive Work Environment

A positive and supportive work environment is critical to keeping spirits high. Create a culture of collaboration where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and feedback. Encourage team bonding with fun activities, such as themed dress days, office games, or team outings. A happy workplace is a productive workplace!

5. Lead with Passion

Lead by example! Show your team your passion for your work. Be enthusiastic, approachable, and supportive. Your energy and attitude are contagious. When your team sees your passion, they are more likely to feel inspired and motivated to bring their best selves to work daily.

Let us create a workplace where passion thrives, and everyone feels excited to contribute. 

Start implementing these steps today, and watch your team’s passion soar!

Stay Passionate,
BJ Bueno