Turner Classic Movies + Cult Branding Company: A Case Study

Cult brands are not just born. 

They are made through strategic vision and passionate execution. 

This truth is vividly illustrated in the journey of the Turner Classic Movies Festival, an event that transformed classic film appreciation into a vibrant, community-driven movement. Today, we explore the remarkable case study of TCM.

The Spark That Ignited a Movement:

It all began with an idea, a seedling that found fertile ground in the collaboration between the Turner Classic Movies (TCM) team and myself. With a seven-person team at the helm, the TCM Festival was more than just an event; it was a revolution in fan engagement, celebrating classic cinema with an enthusiasm that had not been seen before.

Achievements That Defined an Era:

The Annual TCM Festival: Lauded as the pinnacle of fan events, it celebrated the timeless charm of classic films, attracting enthusiasts from around the globe.

TCM Classic Cruise: In partnership with Disney, this endeavor brought fans together for a high-seas adventure, combining the magic of Disney with the nostalgia of classic cinema.

Literary Legacy: Collaborating with Running Press, created over 40 film books, establishing a tangible legacy that aficionados could treasure forever.

Community Building: The TCM Backlot fan club and the TCM Wine Club created unique spaces for fans to connect and share their passion.


“Hi BJ, Well, where do I start? The ideas we worked on with you and your team took off like a rocket ship once we launched the festival. I got to grow a team of 7 people who did the following: produce the annual TCM Festival (best-in-class fan event, if I do say so), produce an annual TCM Classic Cruise (for our last 6 cruises we chartered and partnered with Disney- ultimate fan crossover!), produced a publishing partnership of film books with Running Press (40+ books and counting), launched a fan club, TCM Backlot (sadly a casualty of the pandemic), built a profitable national screening series of classic films with Fathom Events (2015-2022), launched the TCM Wine Club, and partnered with several auction houses to present auctions of entertainment memorabilia. I am so glad to tell you this and what came of the seeds of that work with you so many years ago. Thank you!” 

Genevieve McGillicudy, TCM Vice President of Enterprises and Strategic Partnerships

The TCM case study serves as a beacon, guiding future endeavors to capture consumers’ hearts. It is a testament to the power of vision, community, and the enduring love for classic cinema.

The story of TCM is far from over. 

Its legacy will continue to inspire us at the Cult Branding blog and anyone passionate about cultivating a brand that goes beyond products and services to touch the very hearts of its community.

Marketing Strategy Insights from Iconic Brands

Unlock the secrets of marketing success with our latest video! Join us as we journey through the captivating stories of iconic brands like Starbucks, Nike, Dove, and Tesla, discovering the essence of their unparalleled marketing strategies.

From Starbucks’ creation of a comforting “third place” to Nike’s strategic embrace of celebrity endorsements, each narrative offers invaluable lessons for brand elevation. Dive into Dove’s revolutionary embrace of diversity and inclusion, and Tesla’s audacious departure from traditional advertising.

At The Cult Branding Company, we understand that effective marketing is about more than just being the loudest voice—it’s about resonating with the right audience, in the most authentic way possible.

Want to learn more? Join us as we explore the diverse landscape of marketing strategies that drive success. For an in-depth look at the 52 types of marketing strategies that can elevate your brand, head over to https://cultbranding.com/ceo/52-types-of-marketing-strategies

Leveraging Data to Enhance Community Engagement and Loyalty

Understanding and anticipating customer needs through customer analytics is not just a strategy—it is the cornerstone of personalized offerings and targeted marketing that defines market leaders today. 

Leveraging this data allows brands to craft experiences that are not only relevant but deeply engaging, fostering a connection that transcends the transactional. 

It is about predicting what customers need before they know it and creating an ecosystem of products, services, and experiences that resonate with them. 

This proactive approach to customer engagement enhances satisfaction and loyalty and positions the brand at the forefront of innovation in customer experience. 

Harnessing the power of customer analytics is pivotal in refining offerings and ensuring that your brand remains responsive and anticipatory to clientele’s evolving desires. 

This strategic emphasis is instrumental for continued growth and success, making it an essential component for every business strategy.

Make Customer-Centricity a Core Value

Some of the most profitable companies and brands I work with have something in common: 

They find a way to put the customer first. 

They do this by adding the customer to the company’s core values. 

Customer-centricity is a core value exemplified by companies like Scheels, which explicitly aims to be “the best in the eyes of the customer.” This mission reflects a deep commitment to prioritizing customer needs and preferences across all aspects of their business operations. 

Like Scheels, Amazon has long championed customer-centricity as a core principle, famously making “customer obsession” one of its leadership principles. Amazon’s approach includes constantly seeking customer feedback, innovating based on that feedback, and aiming to offer the best prices, selection, and convenience.

Another example is Zappos, an online retailer known for its exceptional customer service.

Zappos’ core value of delivering “WOW through service” underscores its commitment to exceeding customer expectations through every interaction. This value drives the company’s policies, such as offering free shipping and returns, a 365-day return policy, and a customer service team empowered to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

Similarly, Apple focuses on creating products that enrich people’s lives, which is a testament to understanding and prioritizing customer needs and experiences. Apple’s emphasis on design, innovation, and user experience demonstrates how customer-centricity is embedded in its product development, marketing, and retail strategies.

Making customer-centricity a core value involves more than just attentive service. 

It encompasses understanding customers deeply, innovating to meet their future needs, and consistently delivering exceptional experiences that build loyalty and trust.

The Power of “Why”: How Life is Good Used Big Data to Build a Cult Following

Forget just selling stuff. Today’s consumers crave connection. They want to understand your brand’s story and feel a sense of belonging.

That’s exactly what Life is Good achieved by partnering with The Cult Branding Company. In this fascinating video by SAP, we dive deep into how we leveraged big data to uncover the emotional core of the Life is Good brand.

What the Data Revealed:

  • It wasn’t just about buying clothes; it was about optimism, joy, and empowerment.
  • Life is Good customers were yearning for meaning and connection.

From Data to “Why”:

By analyzing customer behavior and feedback, we weren’t just collecting numbers – we were uncovering a powerful “why.” This “why” became the foundation for Life is Good’s brand story – a story that resonated deeply with its audience.

The Human Touch:

The big data was the starting point, but the magic happened when we translated it into a human experience. Life is Good’s marketing, products, and even store environment all reflected their core values, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

The Results? A Loyal Following:

Life is Good’s customers didn’t just feel good, they felt understood. This emotional connection translated into a loyal following and a brand that people truly connect with.

The Takeaway for Your Brand:

Big data is a powerful tool, but it’s just the first step. Use it to uncover your brand’s “why” and then translate that into a compelling story that resonates with your audience.

Remember, people crave connection. Give them a reason to believe in your brand and they’ll become loyal followers for life.

Watch the full video here: https://vimeo.com/237961416

Ready to unlock the power of your brand story? Contact The Cult Branding Company today!

The Secret Formula Used by Cult Brands

Welcome to the world where emotions are not just felt—they are the building blocks of powerful brand relationships. 

Understanding the role of emotions in brand attachment benefits brand builders aiming to create an unforgettable presence in consumers’ minds and hearts.

It is essential. 

Dive into the emotional rollercoaster of brand building, where every twist and turn is an opportunity to deepen consumer connections.

The Heartbeat of Brand Attachment

At its core, emotional brand attachment is that warm, fuzzy feeling that transforms customers into loyal fans. The magic happens when a consumer does not just use a brand but loves it. This is not about mere satisfaction but passion, affection, and a deep-seated connection that weaves the brand into the consumer’s identity. Researchers like Thomson et al. (2005) and Park et al. (2010) have shed light on this, revealing that emotional and cognitive bonds fortify this attachment.

Falling in Love with Brands

Yes, consumers can indeed fall in love with brands!

This brand love goes beyond a simple preference—it is an enduring affection, a long-term relationship built through consistent, positive interactions. 

It makes consumers choose one brand over another, time and time again, with a zeal akin to loyalty in human relationships. 

The concept, inspired by Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, shows how multifaceted brand love can be, incorporating elements of passion, attachment, and commitment.

CULTivating Brand Loyalty 

What is the endgame of sparking brand love? 

Brand loyalty is the holy grail for brand builders. 

The stronger the emotional bond, the deeper the loyalty. 

This is not just about repeat purchases but about creating advocates for your brand. Emotional connections, characterized by passion, pride, and love, can significantly influence brand loyalty, turning casual customers into staunch supporters.

The Emotional Bridge

How do you build this emotional bridge? 

It starts with understanding that emotion-based attachment is a potent mediator between brand perception and loyalty. 

Every interaction, touchpoint, and experience your brand offers can strengthen or weaken this bond. By creating positive, memorable experiences, you can enhance emotional attachment and, by extension, loyalty. 

This emotional investment in your brand differentiates you from competitors and builds a resilient brand-customer relationship.

Crafting Emotional Connections

So, how can brand builders tap into this goldmine of emotional attachment and brand love? Here are a few strategies:

Consistency is Key: Ensure your brand delivers consistently positive experiences at every interaction.

Storytelling: Craft authentic stories that resonate emotionally with your audience, making your brand relatable and memorable.

Engage Senses: Design experiences that engage the senses, creating more vivid and lasting memories associated with your brand.

Personalization: Treat your consumers as individuals with personalized offerings and communications that reflect their preferences and needs.

Ultimately, the heart of brand building lies in understanding and nurturing the emotional connections that tie consumers to brands. 

By focusing on emotions, brand builders can transcend the traditional boundaries of marketing to foster deep, lasting relationships that drive loyalty and advocacy. 

Remember, in today’s bustling marketplace, the brands that win hearts are the ones that stay ahead.

Why Core Values Are Crucial for Leadership: A Deep Dive

Hello, Leaders!

Grounding your organization in strong core values is beneficial and essential. 

Our latest exploration of Cult Branding offers profound insights into how core values can steer decision-making, influence behaviors, and define your company culture.

Why should you care? 

Core values are the backbone that supports a company’s vision, ensuring that every action aligns with your long-term objectives. 

They attract and retain employees and customers who share these ideals, fostering a community of like-minded individuals who drive your business forward.

We invite you to read the full article and discover the transformative impact of well-defined core values. 

Whether you are refining your approach or establishing values for the first time, there is something in it for every leader.

Join us in this exploration and share with us how core values have shaped your leadership journey.

Read more about the power of core values in our article here

We look forward to your thoughts.

Want To Be a Better Boss? Try Waking Up Earlier.

Adjusting your sleep schedule can enhance your leadership qualities and benefit your team.

Align Your Schedule with Work Demands

Most workplaces start their day early, and by aligning your sleep schedule with your work’s operational hours, you can avoid the pitfalls of “social jet lag.” This misalignment between your body’s natural sleep cycle and social obligations can lead to reduced performance and increased stress for you and your team. By waking up earlier, you can tackle challenges head-on and support your team when they need it most.

Boost Your Mental Health and Clarity

Research indicates that shifting your sleep schedule to wake up earlier can reduce depression and stress. As a leader, your mental health directly influences your decision-making, empathy, and ability to manage stress—critical components of effective leadership. A clear mind allows for more thoughtful decision-making and improved problem-solving, setting a positive tone for your team.

Enhance Your Performance

Leaders must be at their best; waking up earlier can improve performance. Studies have shown that people who shift their sleep schedules earlier exhibit faster reaction times and increased physical strength. These improvements are not just about physical tasks; they translate into cognitive benefits, too, allowing you to be more alert and responsive throughout the day.

Set a Positive Example

Adopting a routine that includes waking up earlier can help you set a positive example for your team. It demonstrates discipline and commitment to personal well-being, qualities you want to inspire in your employees. By taking care of yourself, you are showing your team that you value balance and health, which can encourage them to adopt similar habits.

Improve Communication and Planning

Waking up earlier provides you with quiet time to plan your day and think strategically without the distractions that come later. This can lead to more effective communication with your team, as you have time to organize your thoughts and priorities. Early mornings can be an excellent time for uninterrupted work, allowing you to address complex issues before the day fully begins.

Foster a Healthier Work Environment

The benefits of waking up earlier extend beyond personal improvements; they can foster a healthier, more productive work environment. With increased energy and a clearer mind, you are better equipped to support your team’s needs, recognize their efforts, and encourage a positive work culture. This approach can increase job satisfaction and lower turnover rates, benefiting the organization.

Practical Tips for Shifting Your Sleep Schedule

Start Gradually: Ease into waking up earlier by adjusting your alarm in 15-minute increments.

Morning Light Exposure: Natural light can help reset your internal clock, making it easier to wake up early.

Limit Evening Screen Time: Blue light from screens can interfere with your ability to fall asleep early.

Exercise Early: Morning workouts can shift your sleep schedule earlier and improve sleep quality.

Consistent Meal Times: Eating meals around the same time daily can help regulate your body’s clock.

Being a great leader is about embodying the qualities you wish to see in your team. 

Waking up earlier is a simple yet powerful change that can enhance leadership skills. 

The benefits are substantial, from improved mental health and performance to setting a positive example for your team. Try adjusting your sleep schedule and see how it can transform not just your mornings but your entire approach to leadership.

What’s Your Big Idea?

THE BIG IDEA: Today’s article is about your big idea—a shared vision that can enliven your organization with passion, innovation, and destiny.


One of our close friends, a long-time CEO of a Fortune 500 company, shared with us this secret into the world of chief executives:

“At the end of the day,” he said, “I’m paid to make three decisions each year.”

He paused momentarily, leaning in closer for impact.

“The key is knowing which decisions are one of those three.”

We had to sit with that last remark for a while. This CEO wasn’t emphasizing making the right decision every time. He was pointing to the faculties of discrimination and discernment: knowing which decisions are the most important ones. It’s not always obvious.

Five Ingredients in Executive Decision Making

In our observations of outperforming leaders, the cultivation of discernment in decision making is a proprietary blend of five ingredients:

  1. Cognition (a strong executive function that can take multiple perspectives and analyze various scenarios)
  2. Emotional intelligence (awareness and consideration of subjective factors like feelings, motivation, and social cues)
  3. Professional experience (which often translates to “street smarts”)
  4. A healthy dose of intuition or gut instinct

The fifth ingredient is the topic of today’s article: vision.

Outperforming leaders have a clear vision of where they are steering their organization. They don’t necessarily know how they plan on getting there; they don’t need to. They are surrounded by talented professionals with different areas of expertise who are empowered to bring the vision to life.

And the vision isn’t coveted by the executive. It isn’t a secret. It’s a shared vision with the entire organization.

The Difference Between Vision and Mission

Terms like vision and mission are often used interchangeably and incorrectly.

A vision describes how you visualize your business in the future. It’s a collective dream your organization shares.

A mission explains why your business exists.

A vision is dynamic. If your organization is driven by learning and innovation, the vision will likely change or be refined over time.

A mission tends to be static and fixed.

Both visions and missions should capture the passion behind the business and the people running it.

Ultimately, from the perspective of leadership, what’s most important is to have a big idea your organization can rally around—something you and your teams can be passionate about.

Examples of Big Ideas

Here are a few examples of big ideas from brands you know:

Google: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Amazon: to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Southwest Airlines: to be THE low-cost airline.

Nike: to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. (And from Nike’s perspective, if you have a body, you are an athlete.)

Facebook: to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.

eBay: to provide a global online marketplace where practically anyone can trade practically anything, enabling economic opportunity around the world.

Uncovering Your Big Idea

Big ideas, when they stick, can guide an organization to an extraordinary future. It helps you determine when to move and where. It provides a shared vision that creates cohesion within your organization, which can lead to superior execution over time.

To discover or refine your big idea, consider the following questions:

  1. End picture: What will your business look like when it’s done?
  2. Passion: What does your organization love doing? What are your collective strengths (based on employee passion, past performance, and available resources)?
  3. Leadership: What will your organization be a leader in? What are you committed to being the best in the world at?
  4. Impact: Where can your enterprise have the greatest impact? Whom are you committed to best serving?

As with any discovery process, be sure to start with a Beginner’s Mind. Pretend that you don’t know the answers. Be open-minded. Be receptive to any idea, even the most outrageous ones. Stay curious.

Bringing Your Big Idea to Life

After you’ve articulated your big idea, let it sit and simmer for a while. Have everyone sleep on it. Return to it with fresh eyes and see if it ignites your collective passion.

Next, impregnate your organization with the big idea. Sell in. Find ways for employees to make it their own.

When a big idea sticks in an organization, every employee can find ways to help actualize the idea. (And that’s when real magic starts to happen.)

Finally, walk with courage and boldness, for, as Henry David Thoreau wrote, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”

The same holds truth for your organization. So dream BIG!

P.S. Need help turning your big idea into reality? Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Reach out to us today, and let’s make your vision a success! 🌟

A Brand Builder’s Guide to Leveraging Big Data

Hi Brand Builders,

During my 5 years working with the Kohl’s team, we transformed the brand from $8 billion to $18 billion in revenue by leveraging Big Data.

At the heart of our strategy was a simple yet powerful idea: 

We want to wow our customers and understand them better than they know themselves.

Throughout my career, I have been driven by a passion for storytelling, exceptional advertising campaigns, and a keen understanding of numbers. I have always believed that when these two elements align, magic happens. It’s much like discovering a casino bonus sans depot, where the thrill of the game meets the strategy of maximizing value. Just as data-driven insights revolutionized baseball in the concept of “Moneyball,” blending creativity with analytics can transform the way we approach advertising, leading to breakthrough results.

While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, that has not stopped me from trying to crack the code. One day, we will uncover the definitive consumer insight framework that transforms our industry. Until then, I am committed to sharing guiding principles that can help brands achieve success using big data.

Understanding your customers is paramount to success. As a brand builder, you can harness the power of big data to gain profound insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. 

Let us explore some guiding principles to help you leverage big data effectively:

1. Define Clear Objectives: Start by outlining specific objectives you aim to achieve through consumer insights. Whether enhancing customer engagement, optimizing marketing strategies, or driving innovation, clarity in your goals is essential.

2. Identify Relevant Data Sources: Explore diverse data sources where valuable consumer information resides. From social media platforms and e-commerce websites to customer relationship management systems, cast a wide net to capture comprehensive insights.

3. Collect Data Effectively: Implement mechanisms to collect relevant data from identified sources. This may involve setting up web analytics tools, deploying social media listening platforms, or developing custom APIs for seamless data integration.

4. Integrate and Manage Data: Centralize your collected data into a unified repository for streamlined analysis. Employ data integration techniques to ensure consistency and accuracy across datasets and prioritize robust data management practices to maintain quality and security.

5. Analyze for Actionable Insights: Apply advanced analytics techniques to extract actionable insights from your data. Utilize statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations that inform your brand strategies.

6. Segmentation and Personalization: Segment your audience based on demographic, behavioral, or psychographic attributes from extensive data analysis. Develop personalized marketing campaigns and customer experiences tailored to each segment’s unique preferences.

7. Embrace Predictive Analytics: Leverage predictive analytics models to forecast future consumer behavior and trends. You can anticipate market shifts and proactively optimize your strategies by analyzing historical data patterns and extrapolating future trends.

8. Iterate and Improve: Continuously refine your consumer insights strategies based on feedback and performance metrics. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to consumer engagement and conversion rates and iterate your approaches accordingly.

9. Prioritize Ethical Data Practices: Ensure ethical data practices throughout your consumer insights journey. Respect consumer privacy rights, obtain necessary consent for data usage, and implement stringent security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

10. Foster Collaboration: Foster collaboration between cross-functional teams to leverage consumer insights effectively across all aspects of your business. Break down silos and encourage knowledge sharing to ensure alignment and coherence in your brand strategies.

By embracing big data and unlocking consumer insights, brand builders can better understand their audience, drive meaningful engagements, and fuel business growth. 

Let us continue to explore, innovate, and strive for excellence in pursuing consumer-centric brand building.

Here is to the journey ahead!

Warm regards,

Bolivar J. Bueno