Mastering Narrative Devices for Authentic Brand Storytelling

Narrative Device is a strategy to communicate the brand’s story.

Should the brand use a first-person narrative? “We crafted this product for a unique blend of style and functionality.”

Or should the brand adopt a third-person perspective? “When customers get their hands on this product, they immediately notice its unique blend of style and functionality.”

Or perhaps even the second person? “Imagine discovering a product that perfectly blends style with functionality. That’s what you get with this.”

Narrative Device is another way of qualifying the brand’s “voice.” And any marketer worth their salt will tell you that once you nail the Narrative Device, the brand story comes to life almost on its own.

Consider the poetic style of Charles Bukowski.

In many of his poems, Bukowski bares his soul, revealing his authentic self behind the facade of a cynical performance artist. This is the power of a well-chosen narrative device—it allows us to see the soft marshmallow center beneath the hardened exterior.

The lesson for brands is clear: to craft compelling narratives, we need to strip away the “corporate” facade, dig into the brand’s core values, and let our authentic selves shine. This requires recognizing our brand personas and giving them a platform—let them tell our brand stories for us.

For instance, the authentic Bukowski is the guy who woke up before dawn to write. The other Bukowski was a persona—a protective facade. Similarly, brands need to acknowledge their different facets and allow each one to take the stage when it’s their time to shine.

The key to nailing Narrative Device is learning to get out of our way and let the brand’s unique ‘voice’ or ‘voices’ sing. This is how you connect with empowered consumers on a deeper level—by allowing your brand’s true colors to show, even when it feels risky or uncomfortable. Remember, the bluebirds in our brands resonate most powerfully with consumers.

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