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BJ Bueno

The Key to Unlocking the Hearts and Minds of Your Customers

Activating an archetype is like opening an app on your smartphone. Tap it and the archetype starts running.

Our culture, and every modern culture since the Age of Enlightenment, praises reason above all else.

Reason and logic became the salvation of mankind and ushered in the industrial, technological, and information ages.

When humans praise one thing, they have a tendency of doing so at the expense of something else.

In this case, the rise of reason brought a bias against its supposed opposite: emotion.

The Emotional Life of Your Customer

In praising reason, we forgot that human beings are, first and foremost, emotional creatures.

Our reasoning strategies evolved within a vast network of emotions and feelings.

This cultural bias towards reason can keep us from understanding our customers (as well as our employees and ourselves). It gives us a false picture of who we’re trying to serve, for our customers are predominantly emotional, not rational, beings.

In the final analysis, we’re all more alike than we are different. Our emotional lives are what bind humanity together.

Tools for Exploring Your Customer’s Psyche

Unconscious processes operate millions of times faster than does our conscious mind. As much as 95% of our brain processes that result in decisions, behavior, and the motivations behind that behavior, are not conscious.

To get to better know ourselves and to get on pulse of what truly drives our customers to make decisions, we need to go below the surface. We need to somehow access and uncover the motivations in the subconscious and the unconscious mind.

Archetypes, images, symbols, and stories are gateways into these deeper realms.

Used consciously and correctly, this group of tools can provide penetrating insights into our customers’ lives that transcend even the most technologically-advanced research-gathering methods.

Archetypes are the Roots of the Soul

Psychiatrist Carl Jung observed that the psyche consists mainly of images. Many of these images are universal, found throughout the earth in our myths, dreams, and fairy tales. He called these universal mental images archetypes.

Archetypes are deep patterns embedded within each psyche.

We don’t create these archaic images or the patterns of behavior they embody. They come pre-installed in our operating systems; we inherit these images within our brain structure. They lay dormant within us until activated.

Activating an archetype is like opening an app on your smartphone. Tap it and the archetype starts running.

Symbols are the Building Blocks of Thought

Symbols are triggers of archetypal images. A symbol is a visual image that represents an idea. Water, for example, symbolizes the feminine life-force and the unconscious. The sun symbolizes the masculine life-force that surrounds us as well as our conscious mind.

Jung saw symbols as the building blocks of thought itself. Symbols, then, are shortcuts to reaching deeper levels of your customer’s psyche.

Every image—everything you can see with your eyes and in your mind’s eye—has symbolic counterparts.

When you see a ladder, your conscious mind sees a tool for climbing to higher places. Symbolically, the image of a ladder serves as a reminder of a psychological climb toward self-awareness or a spiritual climb to a higher truth.

A triangle represents a hierarchy.  The eagle is a dominant bird of prey. Both the triangle and the eagle are age-old symbols of power.

Symbols can come in the form of visual images like in a logo or product packaging. But they can also come in the form of metaphorical language.

Symbols can be used as a signal to your customer of what your brand represents.

Stories Bring Archetypal Patterns to Life

Story is perhaps the most powerful way to express archetypal patterns. Every story has a cast of characters that represents expressions of various archetypes.

The hero, the villain, the friend, the wise old man/woman, the trickster all represent characters within each of us. They each possess certain behavioral patterns, values, and perspectives that carry their own truth.

Each of us is faced with a series of challenges in life designed to help us grow. The hero’s journey, for example, represents the journey to mature adulthood—the path to personal transformation.

When we listen to a story, we enter the story. When we watch a movie, neurons fire in our brain as if the story is happening to us. Stories, then, awaken and speak to the archetypes within us.

Brands that tap into the power of story can connect and influence their customers in ways their competitors can only dream of.

Emotions Give Images Life

A symbolic image alone doesn’t evoke any meaning in your customer. An image alone is lifeless.

Emotion is what gives the image life. When an image combines with emotion, the archetypal force is activated within your customer’s psyche.

It is this living archetype that defines a brand. It’s what drives a customer’s choice of which brand to associate with.

And so it is the emotional life of your customers you must turn to if you are committed to understanding them so that you can serve them better than anyone else.

Four Strategies for Increasing Happiness in the Workplace (and Within Yourself )

Fostering a happy workplace starts by cultivating optimism within yourself.

Do you notice that setbacks tend to occupy your mind more than victories?

Do you sometimes struggle to stay positive about your business?

Employees expect their leaders to be enthusiastic, energetic, and positive about the future. But on a day-to-day basis, maintaining a positive outlook and inspiring others can be challenging.

Even if everything in your business is going smoothly, a problematic issue in your personal life—with your spouse, child, friend, or relative—can throw you off your game.

Leaders must inspire their people amidst professional and personal challenges. Research-based methods for counteracting negativity and fostering optimism give leaders the resources to inspire themselves and uplift others.

How can you inspire others if you don’t feel inspired?

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Core Values, Passion, and Happiness

Happiness is really just about four things: perceived control, perceived progress, connectedness, and vision/meaning. —Tony Hsieh

This reminds me of a (possibly apocryphal) story I heard about a shoe company back in the 1800s that sent a couple of their employees to a distant land for a month to scout the region and determine the market opportunity there. One of the employees came back and said, “Nobody there wears shoes! There’s no opportunity there!” The other employee came back a week later and said, “Nobody there wears shoes! There’s so much opportunity there!”Tony Hsieh1

Like many people in the business world, I was saddened to hear of the passing of Tony Hsieh last week. Not only did I have a lot of respect for Tony, but I was fortunate to call him a friend.

If you ever met Tony, you’d know he was definitely like the second employee in the story he recounted. Tony saw potential everywhere, not just in businesses, but also in people. Whether it was empowering Zappos employees to pursue their passion projects or listening to an artist friend around a campfire in the yard near his airstream, Tony saw possibility where others would just see half-baked ideas. 

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Eight Steps to Build Brand Loyalty

Relentlessly serve your best customers better than anyone else.
To build brand loyalty, serve your best customers better than your competitors do.

Here are eight steps you can take to begin building brand loyalty.

Step 1: Focus on your best customers

Build your business around your best customers—what we call Brand Lovers—instead of trying to aimlessly drive sales. Over time, your return on marketing and innovation efforts will rise.

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Putting the Cult Back into Culture

supportive cultures facilitate personal freedom and foster positive growth.

If someone told you your company is a cult, how would you take it?

Instead of getting offended, you may want to feel a sense of pride. It all depends on how you look at cults and the role they play in creating your corporate culture.

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Finding the Heart in Leadership

The better you understand yourself, the better you can understand your customers and employees.

Your customers are human beings. Your employees are human beings. And yes, you are human too.

But what does it mean to be human?

As humans, we are conscious of certain names, dates, memories, beliefs, concepts, and aspects of our identity.

This collection of details are all above the surface. They are available to our conscious minds, retrievable by our thinking brains.

Below the surface, however, a vast reservoir of energy and instincts exists of which humans are not aware. Psychology calls this subterranean the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind.

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Harness The Power of Story

Harnessing the power of story can transform both your corporate culture and your brand.

“Good morning city!”

Emmet Brickowski was a construction worker, your everyday guy. He followed printed instructions on how to fit in, have everyone like him, and always be happy.

But Emmet had a greater destiny: to become a Master Builder. Master Builders don’t have to follow instructions. Inspired by others, they create from what’s inside of them.

If you don’t know Emmet, you may have heard of The Lego Movie. The Lego Movie premiered in February 2014, grossing $468 million worldwide at the box office.

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How to Hook Your Customers

Your job isn’t to create needs for your customers.  Your job is to make your customers aware of their existing needs.

Your job isn’t to create needs for your customers. Customers—humans—do a fine job of that on their own.

Your job is to make your customers aware of their existing needs. When you do this successfully, you trigger motivation in your customers. This motivation leads your customers to take action.

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A Big Mistake Most Retailers Make

Experiences are more meaningful than things.

A customer named Lisa walks into your store.

As she roams the aisles, her eyes gaze at an endless sea of colors and forms. She isn’t overwhelmed; she’s accustomed to endless choice.

Her mind is elsewhere. Something her daughter asked her this morning amuses her. She feels joy. Now she wonders if her husband kissed her before he left for work. A feeling of disconnection comes and goes.

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