Unlock the Power of the Unconscious to Drive Top-Line Revenue Growth

It‘s estimated that over 90% of consumer behavior is unconscious.

Put simply, we as consumers (and human beings in general) are unaware of why we do what we do. We’re not entirely conscious of why we buy a particular product from a particular brand. Even when subjected to direct questioning, people simply cannot describe why they do what they do. But there are reasons—unconscious drivers—behind all of our actions including purchasing behavior.

How Can Consumer Insights Derived From Unconscious Drivers Grow Your Business?

Understanding the unconscious motivations of your customers can help you:

  • Attract new customers
  • Cultivate stronger loyalty with current customers and increase top-line revenue
  • Strengthen your brand positioning
  • Increase purchasing potential — grow the wallet size of existing customers

Mega brands like Apple, Southwest Airlines, and IKEA know their customers pretty well. It’s not difficult to observe the results.

Psychologically-Driven Consumer Insights Can Transform Your Performance

Just think about all of the ways you can apply the right consumer insights to your business:

  • Craft more effective messaging strategies
  • Improve product packaging and displays
  • Develop advertising that generates higher ROI
  • Improve performance of promotions, email campaigns, and product pages

Every customer touch point can be transformed and made more effective once you know what motivates their behavior.

Market Research with Results

Businesses spend millions each year to generate market research that often yields zero financial results. But this isn’t surprising: You ask the right questions, but market research often provides the wrong answers. Customers’ responses to market research are rationalizations, not actualities.

From our experience, the majority of market research becomes irrelevant once you understand what drives your customers to do business with you.

Our proprietary research methods and consulting processes go beyond your customers’ rational responses and dig into the unconscious motivators that drive sales. Simply put, our consumer insights into your customers can save you millions annually.

Make Smarter Decisions

How do you determine which marketing strategies to employ? What if you had a way to quickly determine whether or not a strategy will be effective before you execute?

When you know precisely whom you’re trying to serve, you can easily discern if a strategy or campaign will speak to the hearts and minds of your most profitable customers.

Our process provides penetrating insights into your customers that will illuminate the way to sustainable growth and profitability in all market conditions.

These consumer insights also make advertising campaigns more effective, giving marketing executives clear indicators of what will work—and what will not.

You’ll receive actionable insights that you can apply immediately to generate top-line revenue growth and expand your market share.

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