Say “Thank You” More

A business story to inspire an atomic habit of gratitude. 

In the heart of a bustling city stood the towering headquarters of TechNovation Solutions, a once-thriving tech company now facing declining morale and productivity. 

CEO John Avery was at its helm, known for his sharp intellect but criticized for his lack of emotional intelligence.

Week 1: The Revelation

During an annual review meeting, John first encountered the idea of “atomic habits,” small, incremental changes leading to significant transformations. A consultant suggested that expressing gratitude could be his atomic habit, starting with saying “thank you” more often. Initially skeptical, John decided to give it a try.

Week 2-4: The Experiment

John started small. He began by thanking his assistant for her meticulous organization skills and his team’s hard work on a recent project. These small acknowledgments didn’t just bring smiles; they sparked a noticeable change in the office atmosphere.

Week 5-6: The Ripple Effect

As John persisted, the habit of gratitude began to ripple through the company. He noticed his employees starting to appreciate each other openly. The once-cold conference room discussions turned warmer, filled with collaborative and innovative ideas. He sent thank-you cards to all his VPs and their managers. 

Week 7: The Transformation

By the seventh week, John realized this wasn’t just about saying thank you. It was about recognizing the human effort behind every success and failure. He began to see his employees not just as workers but as individuals with unique contributions. 

Week 8: The Revelation

Eight weeks in, John held a company-wide meeting. This time, instead of a dry rundown of numbers and objectives, he started by expressing his genuine appreciation for his team’s collective efforts. He shared specific instances where his team’s hard work made a real difference.

Over time, this 1% improvement in expressing gratitude led to a significant change.

Employee engagement scores soared, turnover rates dropped, and productivity increased. 

John Avery, once a distant figure in his glass office, became a leader who inspired loyalty and commitment. 

Sometimes, a small positive habit can have the most significant impact. 

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