Image and Perception

Image and perception go hand in hand. 

Without a great image, there’s no perception. 

And without perception, there’s no value. 

Often overlooked, getting the right image for your brand is a big deal. 

From website photos to the people you choose to represent your brand, visuals shape how people see you.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung knew the power of images in the mind. 

Brands should take note and choose their images carefully.

Why Image Matters

1. First Impressions Count:

   – Instant Impact: People notice your visuals first. A strong image sticks.

   – Trust Builder: High-quality images show you care about quality. They build trust.

2. Create an Emotional Connection:

   – Tell Your Story: Great images tell a story that connects with people emotionally.

   – Show Your Personality: Your visuals reflect your brand’s personality and values.

3. Consistency is Key:

   – Unified Look: Keep your images consistent across all platforms. It builds a strong brand identity.

   – Easy Recall: Consistent visuals help people remember your brand.

4. Boost Perceived Value:

   – Look Premium: High-quality images make your brand look top-notch.

   – Stand Out: Unique visuals set you apart from the competition.

5. Brain Power:

   – Quick Processing: The brain processes images faster than text. Your message gets across quickly.

   – Better Memory: People remember visual information longer. Use striking images to make a lasting impression.

Over my 25 years in branding, I’ve created thousands of images and commercials for the public. 

One of my proudest achievements was overseeing the design and subjects of 1,000 stamps for the United States Postal Service, where I served for 12 years. 

Whether you’re Nike or designing stamps, images must be chosen with perception in mind. 

The right image can make all the difference.

It drives perception, and perception drives value.

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