When you visualize daily, you align your thoughts and feelings with your vision. This makes it easier to maintain the motivation you need to continue taking the necessary actions.Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning
Developing a vision creates energy and momentum in a company.
But, that energy usually fades over time. The pressure of the now takes over. The vision becomes something that will happen in the distant future.
The vision loses the power it was designed to have: create a passion to motivate you through anything in service of the better future you want.
When you lose the energy behind the vision, it’s easy to start making poor decisions because you are no longer creating a purposeful plan for the future. Instead, you’re just solving today’s problems.
All of these today-focused decisions can add up into taking you far off the path from your vision and make it difficult, if not impossible, to get back on track.
Although it may seem like you’re creating forward momentum with each problem you solve, everything you do narrows down the things your brand can be in the future.1
What you do today determines the type of organization you can become tomorrow.
To make sure you are on the path to your vision, you need to know not only what it will look like when you get there, but also what it will look like along the way.
You should start by assuming your future is a certainty that already happened. Then, work backward and figure out what big steps need to take place in order to create that future, slowly working your way to the present.2
Once you have the big beats that chart your path from the now to your desired future, pick your first big milestone and imagine what that will be like.
A great exercise to figure this out is Gary Klein’s Pro-Mortem Method: Get a group of key players together and imagine a big celebration for achieving a milestone that is one to three years in the future. For two minutes, have the team imagine what will have changed and what they will see different in the company that led to achieving the milestone. These should be observable outcomes, not loose aspirations. Capture what everyone contributed, creating a blueprint for success.3
Now that you know what the first big success looks like, spend time at least once a week, if not every day, visualizing the successful outcome the team documented.
This isn’t an elaborate process; it only takes a few minutes: Just imagine what you want to attain and then mentally go over the steps that it will take to achieve it.4 The more clearly you visualize it and the more senses you involve, the better. This strategy has improved performance in everything from athletes to chess players.5
What you become is the result of every decision you make. By consistently visualizing the future you want—for both yourself and your company—you keep the future in the present, making it easier to make decisions that push you towards your future goals instead of risking straying off-brand by focusing only on rectifying your immediate situation.
P.S. If you need help creating a motivating company vision, we’ve created The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Company Vision. To find out more about it, click here.
- Jame H. Gilmore and B. Joseph Pine II, Authenticity, 2007. ↩
- Jame H. Gilmore and B. Joseph Pine II, Authenticity, 2007. ↩
- Gary Klein, “The Pro-Mortem Method,” Psychology Today, 2015. ↩
- Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning, 2012. ↩
- AJ Adams, “Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Visualization,” Psychology Today, 2009. ↩