Choosing the correct channels can help your organization expand its offerings reach and revenue. You might include your retail store, Internet, a customer service call center, face-to-face salesperson, a trade show, a seminar, or a direct partner. Having a strong foundation in your channels can give your marketing an edge.
Amazon.com’s primary channel is its website. Walmart’s primary channel is its retail chain. BWM’s primary channel is its dealerships. AT&T’s channels include its authorized dealers (partners), independent retail stores, and website.
Your goal isn’t just to identify your channels but to ensure that each channel is as seamlessly integrated with each other as possible.
Customers should have a consistent brand experience no matter what channel or touch point through which they interact with you.
The key questions in your channel analysis are:
- Where do you reach your target customers?
- Where do your target customers buy?
- Where will you promote your products?
- What is the right distribution model?
- How do you develop the right distribution channels?
- Does the channel fit your offering?
- How does your offering fit with your target markets and channels?
- How would customers desire to interact with you?
- What level of interaction do your target customers require?
- Can you create a competitive advantage?
You want to make sure your offering fits your channel. For example, it is difficult to sell complex services or certain high-priced products over the web.
When our clients want to build best-in-class plans they bring together their smartest folks and the relevant information. These questions are perfect to discuss offsite with your leadership team and relevant data. Try setting aside time for your leadership team to discuss and prioritize your channel strategies for 2022 and beyond.