Magic has long held a special place in the nation’s history. American magicians perform in arenas, theaters, and even backyards. No matter how big or small, a magic show will always inspire wonder.
Today as a member of the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, I am honored that the United States Postal Service delivered these Forever stamps.
This reminds me, let’s learn some magic for your brand…
Brands are a unique combination of a set of ideas and inanimate objects that serve as an ideal platform for relationships. When people feel bound to a group or community of shared beliefs around a brand where at least part of their identity is tied to the group, it’s a phenomenon known as participation mystique.
These brands spark magical participation with their customers; they embrace a particular way of being, aligned to a specific set of beliefs.
When brands attract customers to come together something magical happens, now let’s make that happen for you and your team.
Creating Magic: A mini workshop
To help you think more magical thoughts try these juxtapositions:
If my company was Zappos how would we WOW our customers?
If our company was Disney how would we give our customers a magical day?
If our brand was Houdini what problems can I help my customers escape?
By thinking like other great magical brands, you will discover magic of your own.