
Since the dawn of civilization, the fundamental need to communicate has revolved around a series of universal questions: 

Who am I? 

Who needs to know? 

Why do they need to know? 

How will they find out? 

How do I want them to respond? 

These questions have shaped our existence, driving individuals, communities, and organizations to express their unique identities.

From the ancient cave paintings at Lascaux to the digital messages we send via satellite, humanity has always found innovative ways to communicate. This journey through time highlights our endless creativity in using visual and verbal expressions to convey messages. 

Symbols have always been at the heart of this expression, serving as powerful tools to showcase individuality, pride, loyalty, and ownership. Symbols are more than mere images; they are carriers of deep meaning and emotion. A simple form can trigger instant recall and evoke strong feelings, whether it appears on a flag, is etched in stone, or is displayed on a smartphone screen. As we move into the future, the pace of life demands that brands harness the power of these symbols more effectively than ever before.

Just as medieval knights competed for recognition on the battlefield with their heraldic banners, modern brands vie for attention in a crowded marketplace. Today, the battle for physical territory has evolved into a competition for share of mind. Managing perception extends beyond physical boundaries into the realms of airwaves, cyberspace, and beyond.

As economic enterprises, our modern ‘heraldry’ is our branding. In this dynamic landscape, it’s crucial that we understand and leverage the enduring power of symbols to capture and retain our audience’s attention. By doing so, we can ensure that our messages resonate, inspire, and drive the desired responses.

Let’s continue to innovate and communicate with purpose, using our unique symbols and stories to connect with our audience on a deeper level. Together, we can navigate this ever-evolving landscape and achieve greater results.

Best regards,

BJ Bueno

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