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BJ Bueno

How One Brand Revamped Their Appeal with an Immersive Metaverse Adventure for Gen Z DIYers!

As a top business with a passion for growing your brand the right way, I wanted to share with you a recent innovation from The Home Depot that has caught my attention.

The Home Depot, a household name in the home improvement industry, has launched a new Virtual Kids Workshop experience in Roblox’s Redcliff City. This immersive metaverse experience challenges young gamers to collect materials to build projects, introducing them to the joy of building and home improvement.

This investment in the future of interconnected experiences combines The Home Depot’s in-person Kids Workshops with the discovery, problem-solving, and fun that Roblox is known for. By meeting their young audience where they are and embracing new technology, The Home Depot is not only fostering creativity but also teaching responsible engagement—a valuable contrast to the mindset of those who choose to ohne Pause an Spielautomaten spielen. By promoting balanced, mindful activities, The Home Depot is building a loyal and conscious customer base for the future.

As a top CEO, I know that you understand the importance of innovation, adaptability, and customer engagement in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. This new metaverse experience provides an excellent opportunity to connect with younger audiences and ignite your brand in a whole new way.

I encourage you to explore this exciting new development and consider how it could apply to your own brand. You never know where your next breakthrough idea might come from.

Are Cult Brands Recession-Proof?

With leading economists fairly confident that the recession will occur in the US during 2023, it seems prudent to discuss what brands can do to stay strong and vibrant during economic downturns. My work with Cult Brands goes back over twenty years now, and in that time, we’ve witnessed the following:

Brand Loyalty transcends economic circumstances. Organizations that stay loyal to their customer by delivering the best possible experience even when those customers aren’t necessarily in a position to buy are rewarded with customers who love them. When the funds are available to make a purchase from a favorite Cult Brand, it’s often seen as particularly meaningful or as part of a personal comeback.

During times of hardship, people need something to believe in. Right now, with trust in government and media at very low rates, the public is transferring its need to believe onto brands. The relationship between the individual and the brand can feel fairly equal, especially given the instant reach social media gives both fans and critics. Cult Brands thrive by meeting this need for trustworthy consistent performance. When people are uneasy about their finances, they’ll pay more for a brand they know won’t let them down. They will be less willing to take chances on lesser-known brands, even if those brands offer lower pricing. 

Cult Brands thrive by staying the course. Economic pressures can lead brands to consider cutting corners or cheapening the experience, but that’s not how Cult Brands do it. Instead, Cult Brands navigate recessions by doubling down on those aspects of their operation customers love the most. Focus on the best, most essential portions of the customer experience – this allows for cost control while maximizing customer retention. 

Cult Brands may not be entirely recession-proof, but they do a good job of weathering tough times. 

So what if you’re not a Cult Brand right now? It’s not too late to start shifting to the mindset and techniques that help strengthen the love and loyalty your customers have for you. We know a recession is coming, soft landing or not. Anticipating and planning a strategic response to this recession can result in a stronger and more resilient organization in the long run.

We Won’t Say We’re Trustworthy on the Record: Red Ventures Squanders CNET’s Excellence

We all have our favorite news sources, and over the years, I’ve come to appreciate CNET’s excellent, in-depth coverage. But recently, things have changed, and now, distressingly, I know why.

Red Ventures acquired CNET in 2020. At that time, CEO Rick Elias told the staff that there’d be a red line separating advertising from editorial. 

However, that has not proven to be the case. As reported by the Verge, reporters have been pressured to alter reviews to be more positive in cases where Red Ventures has a financial relationship with the products in question. Additionally, journalists have been asked to create sponsored content – a request that directly calls their integrity into account. 

On top of that, CNET’s early adoption of AI-written content has led to more than 70 articles needing correction. The AI not only plagiarizes, but it also makes errors in fact – things you would think would be unacceptable in a publication devoted to truth-telling. 

Consider this in Context: Americans Don’t Trust the Media

Reuters, one of the stalwarts of the news business, commissioned research in 2021 to see how the public felt about the media. At that time, the US ranked last among 46 surveyed countries in terms of trusting the media. Political polarization was thought to be a significant cause – 75% of respondents who identified as right-leaning felt the news did not reflect reality accurately, for example – but it’s not the only issue. 

The introduction of AI-generated content complicates an already messy situation. And the fact that people in general don’t want to pay for their news content puts additional pressure on media outlets to find ways to boost revenues. Sponsored content and maintaining lucrative business relationships are not unique to CNET, which highlights the trouble they’re currently in: by participating in behaviors thought to be inherently untrustworthy, Red Ventures has thrown away what made CNET special.

Can CNET come back from this? Re-establishing trust is hard, and frankly, once the staff is talking about the pressures they’re under, I’m dubious that the brand can thrive again without a change of leadership. But what do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

The Power of Inclusivity in Marketing: Lessons from Nike’s ‘Beyond’ Ad

The most important lesson a CEO can learn from Nike’s Jordan Brand portrayal of an aspiring female baller in their “Uncommon” ad is the importance of inclusivity and representation in marketing.

The ad features a young girl who dreams of becoming a basketball player, despite the odds stacked against her. By highlighting her struggles and triumphs, the ad sends a powerful message about the potential of all athletes, regardless of their gender or background.

In today’s world, where consumers are increasingly demanding more diversity and representation in the brands they support, the lesson for CEOs is clear: inclusivity and representation should be a core component of their marketing strategies.

4th Down & Long: Is The Super Bowl Ad the Ultimate Hail Mary Play – Or Is It Something Else Entirely?

According to FOX Sports, Super Bowl LVII drew an average viewership of 113 million. And of those 113 million, more than three-quarters said they were looking forward to the ads. For some, the ads are far more of a draw than the game itself. 

Not everyone loves the sports ball, after all. But everyone does love to laugh.

The best Super Bowl ads are funny, entertaining, and memorable. People often have a favorite Super Bowl commercial – personally, I love eTrade’s dancing monkey bit – but somehow, inexplicably, the industry seems confused about what Super Bowl ads are for.

You’ve seen the conversations – what’s the ROI on these high-profile, incredibly expensive commercials? Sales cycles are tracked against the ad timeline, looking to see how much interest was created during the game and what that meant for the brand in the subsequent days, weeks, and months to come. It has been said that these ads are brand vanity projects – just a way for the largest brands to spend money to feel important.

Way to miss the point. 

Super Bowl ads are, when done properly, an amazing way to build up the levels of love people have for your brand. In a very short time frame, brands provide a beautiful, compelling experience that touches viewers’ hearts and minds. With smart storytelling, brands can say “We understand who you are, and we care about you.”

This year, for example, has Melissa McCarthy – a funny, relatable celebrity – in several funny scenes talking about her need to go on a trip “somewhere, anywhere” – a feeling familiar to everyone who’s just gone through a couple of years of pandemic restrictions. 

GM & Netflix partnered up to promote electric vehicles – an idea not everyone loves – using the shows and movies everyone does love, via the talents of comedian Will Ferrell, while Hellman’s trusted in the power of the Dad joke in their ad. 

These spots are all designed to entertain the viewer and make them feel good. It’s a little bit of fun, courtesy of a trusted brand. At this point, customer expectations of the Super Bowl ad are fairly high – so brands that can meet and exceed those expectations earn a greater benefit. 

Super Bowl ads are a tool for generating love. It’s that simple. That’s the only meaningful metric: does the public love your brand more after the ad than before it? All of the creativity, all of the over-the-top spectacle, all of the celebrity appearances, and WOW moments are happening because brands want the customer to love them best. It doesn’t matter if the brand is relatively new or if it has been around for 100 years. The battle for customer affection never stops – not even for the football game. 

“Lessons from the Ice: How Apple Canada’s Commercial Skated into the Hearts of Canadians”

The Apple Canada commercial featuring PK Subban and Joe Thornton is a great example of how brands can leverage the power of sports to connect with their audience. Here are a few things that Brand Builders can learn from this commercial:

Know your audience: Apple Canada clearly understands its Canadian audience’s love for hockey and uses this insight to create a memorable and relatable commercial. By featuring two popular hockey players in the ad, the brand connects with its audience on an emotional level and creates a sense of shared identity.

Collaborate with influencers: The use of high-profile sports influencers like PK Subban and Joe Thornton is an excellent way to add credibility to your brand and create a stronger connection with your target audience. Working with influencers who have a large following in your target market can help you reach new customers and build trust with your existing customers.

Highlight product features: The commercial also showcases the new features of the iPhone, including its water resistance, camera capabilities, and A14 Bionic chip. Brand Builders can learn from this and should ensure that their marketing efforts highlight their products’ unique features and how they can improve their customers’ lives.

Focus on storytelling: The commercial’s creative storytelling approach is another insight that you can take from this ad. By weaving a narrative that features humor, emotion, and a compelling message, the ad becomes more memorable and impactful. You should aim to tell a story that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand.

Marketing teams can learn from Apple Canada’s commercial that using relatable influencers, highlighting product features, and focusing on storytelling can help build an emotional connection with your audience and make your brand more memorable.

Oh No, Netflix: What Happened to Love is Sharing a Password?

Have you ever shared your Netflix password? For many people, the answer to this question is undoubted yes. Parents, sweethearts, and friends often share Netflix passwords to allow their favorite people to watch movies & shows. 

And Netflix has had enough. New rules regarding how passwords can be shared and with those who have recently debuted. Using a very traditional definition of family, Netflix now demands extra fees be paid for access for anyone who can not access the primary subscribing household’s internet at least once every thirty days. 

Netflix customers have not well received this news. 

As Competition Increases, Love Becomes Much More Important

While Netflix pioneered streaming services, they’re no longer the only game in town. There are over 50 streaming sites in the US alone – including big players like Paramount and Disney Plus, which have robust libraries of highly desirable content. More than 50% of households that subscribe to streaming services are subscribed to more than one. 

In this highly competitive environment, the relationship between brand and customer becomes even more important. Netflix’s moves to tighten up account access introduces a degree of difficulty into what was previously easy for their customers. The idea that a college student or partner working at a great distance from the family home now has to return once a month to log into the home internet account to access a subscription the household pays for is aggravating, insulting, and often impossible. 

On the other hand, the 50+ other streaming services don’t have this requirement. This gives the many families who would fall under Netflix’s new guidelines the opportunity to question if their subscription is worth it.

Also: Have You Noticed the Headlines About an Impending Recession?

Customer reactions to Netflix’s move have focused mainly on its financial implications for their household. A parent with two college students living some distance away will now have to pay $45 monthly for Netflix instead of $15.  

The Netflix leadership might counter with the information that they’re having financial troubles too. Massive subscriber losses over 2022 have led the streaming service to take several steps to stabilize their finances. Ads have been introduced, and now the password-sharing limits are being implemented in hopes it will boost revenues. 

However, these moves are doing little to endear Netflix to its customers. Diminishing the quality of the customer experience and treating customers in a way that makes them feel like criminals does not build loving feelings. And without love, customers will leave – compounding the problems Netflix already is having.

Why Not a Love-Building Strategy?

Netflix has options. Some of the most creative minds in the world work there. So why don’t we see a strategy to counter their real problems based on increasing the amount of love customers have for the brand?

When you love someone and want them to stay, you don’t start treating them worse. Of course, that’s my thinking based on years of helping cult brands achieve and maintain their dominant positions. I’d love to hear how you would address this situation. Please share your thoughts below. 

The Ad-Solute Truth: Over 50s on the Adventure of a Lifetime

Saga Holidays, a UK travel brand for people over 50, has launched a new campaign about older people’s vacation preferences. 

Here is something that jumps out about the truth of great creativity: the Saga Holidays campaign successfully challenges common stereotypes about older travelers and highlights the reality of their preferences and interests. 

Marketing teams can learn to confront stereotypes in their campaigns and present a more accurate picture of their target audience.

What stereotypes can you shatter with your marketing approach?

Hacked Again: How Serious is T-Mobile’s Security Problems to Customers?

Another day, another headline about a massive security breach. This time, it’s T-Mobile in the spotlight. The world’s second largest wireless carrier has been hit again – the fifth incident in which customer data has been accessed illegally or otherwise violated in since 2018.

Five breaches in five years – as the CNet headline points out – isn’t a record to be proud of. But my question here is if you think these breaches are enough to persuade T-Mobile customers to switch carriers. Based on the work I’ve done researching the role trust and love play in loyalty, I’m inclined to say no.


T-Mobile may have had five breaches in five years, but how many has AT&T had in that same time span? Verizon? US Cellular? Cyber criminals have been so persistent and successful that at this point, customers largely perceive the internet itself to be an inherently unsafe environment. 84% of respondents to an Ipsos survey felt at least somewhat concerned about the security of the data they provide online. One in three has already been through at least one data breach. 

At the same time, T-Mobile consistently earns top marks for customer care. They’re the 23-time winner of the J.D. Power U.S. Wireless Customer Care Mobile Network Operator Performance Study – an honor granted in large part due to reliable service, reasonable pricing, and a relatively good customer service experience.

Do T-Mobile customers love their wireless service passionately? Probably not. But do they love them enough to preclude them from making a change of carriers – often a hassle – to be in on a network they reasonably feel is equally at risk? I don’t think so. 

Time will tell, but until then, I’d love to hear what you think!