Transforming Creativity in Advertising: Three Exciting Ways AI is Making an Impact

Have you ever wondered how AI is influencing creativity in advertising? Here are three exciting ways creative leads are using AI in their work.

Interactive ads: AI enables interactive ads that engage consumers in new ways. One example? Using Google’s speech-to-text API to let people interact with a Google Nest product ad by using their voice!

Envisioning results: AI is being used to generate ideas and visual prompts for ‘wild-card ideas.’ This can challenge teams to push their thinking and develop something new and original. 

Guiding strategy and production at scale: AI tools are being used to improve the quality and performance of creative assets and help teams understand which creative choices resonate most with their audiences.

The key takeaway? 

AI is becoming an essential tool for creatives, offering opportunities to innovate and push boundaries like never before. 🚀

P.S.: For those ready to venture into the transformative world of AI, be sure to visit our AI Consulting & Training. Let us be your guides on this exhilarating journey, and together we’ll unlock new possibilities for your business. Don’t wait – the future of AI is here.

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