10 Things That Can Throw Your Leadership Off Track

Cult brand leaders, you’re all about building lasting bonds with your customers and employees. Yet, there might be some roadblocks on your path:

1. Evasion: Dodging tricky tasks, situations, or conflicts.

2. Burnout: Feeling drained or exhausted, often due to neglecting self-care.

3. Bottleneck: Trying to make all decisions or shouldering too much work yourself, causing hold-ups.

4. Under-delegation: Not sharing tasks with your team enough, leading to lowered morale.

5. Feedback: Falling short in giving or seeking regular and constructive feedback.

6. Insecurity: Feeling uncertain about your leadership skills or qualifications; lack of assertiveness.

7. Perfectionism: Holding yourself or your team to unrealistic standards; insisting on flawlessness.

8. Procrastination: Delaying tasks until the last possible moment.

9. Shortsightedness: Neglecting to plan for the future and making significant decisions without long-term consideration.

10. Workaholism: Struggling to switch off from work, obsessively mulling over work-related thoughts.

These are some of the common derailers, but the list isn’t exhaustive. Be mindful of these as you strive to build and nurture those vital connections with your best customers.

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