8 Principles For Humanistic Leadership

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.1 Corinthians 13:13 Real leadership is value-driven, based on principles such as humility, accountability, positivity, and love. Here are eight principles for a more humanistic approach to leadership: Embody Values: Values determine what types of behaviors are in line with your company’s purpose that will help you achieve your vision. Values can never be given up. They guide you in good times and in tough times. They determine what you are and what you are not. Living up to your values protects you from cynics. Trust In Others: Trusting in others builds credibility with your team and creates humility within. All great heroes have help in achieving their goals. Teach Others: Teaching helps guide your team forward. Being able to explain something clearly also forces you to have a strong understanding of the subject. Constant learning begets constant results. Keep in mind one of Nobel laureate Richard Feynman’s guiding principles: if you can’t explain it to a freshman class, you don’t truly understand it.1 Be Accountable: You should be just as accountable as your team. Lead by example. Being accountable keeps tension out of the … Continue reading 8 Principles For Humanistic Leadership